Write a report of the 2008 financial Crisis containing the following topics,Adjustable rate mortages, Alt-A-loans, Originate to-hold and orginate-distribute lending models, Securitization, Mortage Backed Securities, Credit Default Swaps,Credit Rating Agencies, Issuer Pays Compensation Model, Ted Spreads, BAA-AAA spread, the Fed’s role,Monetary Policy,Money Supply, Money Demand and Money Creation( Be sure to write an introductory before each paragraph describing the topic. You must include articles from crediable sources to show how it affected the crisis. I’ll will provide you with an example of how the layout should look like.
financial crisis

financial crisis
What were the main government failings that contributed to the severity of the 2008-9 financial crisis, and what regulatory changes would you make to prevent such a crisis in the future? Be sure to consider both institutions and policies.
financial crisis

financial crisis
What were the main government failings that contributed to the severity of the 2008-9 financial crisis, and what regulatory changes would you make to prevent such a crisis in the future? Be sure to consider both institutions and policies.