Final Project IOrder Instructions:
In this assignment, you will revise and submit your final project analysis of the vignette you developed in Assignments 2 and 3, integrating ethical and multicultural issues that relate to your specialization or area of future work in psychology.
First, be sure your ethical and cultural vignette is integrated and consistent. This vignette should be the same vignette you created in Assignment 2 and expanded in Assignment 3. In this final project assignment, you should integrate the elements of the previous assignments using the suggestions you received from other learners and the instructor. Incorporate additional research to update and refine your resolution of the ethical dilemma in a culturally appropriate manner. Given the developmental nature of the final project, you can use your work from all of the course assignments without needing to cite your own writing.
In this assignment:
1. Examine APA or other ethical codes and standards relevant to the final project vignette. This is part of your Assignment 3.
2. Analyze multicultural issues such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, and gender and the way these issues influence theory, research, and the work of psychologists. This is part of your Assignment 2.
3. Evaluate at least two ethical reasoning models that can be employed for the resolution of case examples and the advantages and disadvantages of these models. This is part of your Assignment 3.
4. Design a solution using the ethical reasoning model of choice and the ethical decision making model that is culturally appropriate given the cultural issues. This is part of your Assignment 3.
5. Reflect upon multicultural identity, aspects of diversity, privilege, and potential bias in this project. This is part of your Assignments 2 and 3.
6. Cite a minimum of 10 peer-refereed research papers. You can use previously-cited articles from your earlier assignments. You must also complete additional research. A source must be a peer-reviewed journal article to count toward the required 10 sources. Remember that assigned resources, textbooks, and Web sites may be used (make sure you cite/reference), but do not count toward meeting the required minimum number of sources.
Use the PowerPoint template provided for this assignment (in the Resources) to format this assignment.
Please refer to the Final Project Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.
Assignment Requirements
• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• Format: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.
• Template: Use the Final Project Template (in Resources) to structure your assignment.
• References: At least 10 scholarly sources.
Final Project I