A title page is not required for project submissions. It is important that students not include any personal identifiers in their projects submissions..This project is an opportunity to demonstrate your preparedness for your future academic and professional life. You will be evaluated on your ability to:
Write long-term and short-term goals
Long-term goal, earn Ph D in life coaching from Seminary School (currently earned degrees in Biblical Studies & Christian Psychology), and at the same time a degree in leadership from Patten University for the purpose of establishing a firm that will help young people be successful in life by aiming them like arrows toward their gifting and intellect level with unique approaches that fit their way of learning.
Long-term goal, become a prominent motivational speaker for teaching adults developmental skills to keep them marketable and trendy.
Short term goal Actively study using the SQR3 rule while attending classes 4 days a week and complete and turn-in assignment 2 weeks in advance.
Short term goal Partner with schools in the community by January 4, 2016 in order to become actively involved in creating solutions to the problem of failing students in public schools.
You will submit only one file comprised of the four sections outlined belowSection 1 Goal Essay
Create two long term educational or professional goals. Then add three short term goals under each long-term goal. The short term goals should lead to the completion of the long term goals. Write a two page essay that:
Explains my long term goals and how they are relevant to my life (I have a 9 year old that is very smart, however the teachers place assumptions on young black boys that are targeted to establish a mentality of bad behavior rather than channel active energy into more responsibility in leadership.
Describe how short term goals will aid in meeting long term goals. Getting involved with the school will nurture voice to issue and resolves.
Describe one obstacle that may keep you from meeting your goal: time; I must management my work life balance to include helping my children succeed in education and other activities and get enough rest to ensure brain power for earning good grades and maintaining excellent health.
Explain how you can reduce or prevent those obstacles. I will reduce and prevent these obstacles by structuring Mon Thru study time, fun time, make everyone accountable for reporting struggles or successes every evening.Section 2 Study Plan:
Identify, prioritize and organize your activities for a week. Decide which activities are essential and which are not. In a few sentences, describe each activity as well as estimate how long it takes to complete
Priority 1 Pray, ensure husband have what he needs for a successful day. Get children ready for school, breakfast and lunch prepared. Ensure all school paperwork is signed for school return on Mondays. 2hrs mornings.
Priority 2 Work from home, Mon, Fri Major meetings Mon Wed via conf call 9:00 for 1 hour. Off on Tues
Major meetings in office on Wed &Thurs back to back all day.
Priority 3 Ensure dinner on the table at 7:00 one hour meals, some will be left overs on Monday & Friday.Section 3 Self- Care Plan Complete a Self Care plan for a week. Access what the stressors are in your life and how you can manage them so they dont get in the way of achieving your goals. In a few sentences, describe each stressor and how you will manage it.
??The current stressors are possible divorce from my husband in whom I put my dreams on hold to ensure his success. The remedy for this is the re-establishing of myself as I prepare for retirement from CDC and start my own firm for helping others. The first steps begins with my start in school to earn relevant degrees to pick up where I left off and not just succeed but be an over achiever. I find great happiest in helping others.Section 4 Personal Mission Statement Essay Direction: Create a personal mission statement that relates to your goals and is specific. Write a two page essay explaining how you plan to complete your personal mission.
..I am committed to making lives better through tips, tools and strategies for success made easy. By July 2017, I will graduate with a Ph D in life coaching to establish avenues for young children and adults to thrive in life.Project Rubric
Goals = 24.0%
Evaluation Item
0 69%
70 79%
80 89%
90 100%
Write long-term goals
The Goal Essay does not include a long-term goal
The Goal Essay includes an imprecise long-term goal
The Goal Essay includes at least one specific long-term goal
The Goal Essay includes at least two specific long-term goals
Write short-term goals
The Goal Essay does not include three short-term goals or the goals do not support the long-term goal
The Goal Essay includes three imprecise short-term goals or they do not clearly support the long-term goal
The Goal Essay includes three specific short-term goals that adequately support the long-term goal
The Goal Essay includes three specific short-term goals that directly support the long-term goal
Obstacles = 24.0%
Evaluation Item
0 69%
70 79%
80 89%
90 100%
Assess obstacles in achieving goals
The Goal Essay does not describe potential obstacles in achieving long-term and short-term goals
The Goal Essay partially describes potential obstacles in achieving long-term and short-term goals
The Goal Essay sufficiently describes potential obstacles in achieving long-term and short-term goals
The Goal Essay describes with detail potential obstacles in achieving long-term and short-term goals
Assess ways of overcoming obstacles in achieving goals
The Goal Essay does not describe how to overcome obstacles to long-term and short-term goals
The Goal Essay partially describes how to overcome obstacles in achieving long-term and short-term goals
The Goal Essay sufficiently describes how to overcome obstacles in achieving long-term and short-term goals
The Goal Essay describes with detail how to overcome obstacles in achieving long-term and short-term goals
Study Plan = 14.0%
Evaluation Item
0 69%
70 79%
80 89%
90 100%
Create a study plan
No study plan is provided
Study plan does not identify weekly activities or does not organize or prioritize them
Study plan identifies weekly activities and demonstrates adequate organization and prioritization
Study plan includes specific details about weekly activities, with an effective organization and prioritization plan
Self-Care Plan = 12.0%
Evaluation Item
0 69%
70 79%
80 89%
90 100%
Create a self-care plan
No self-care plan is provided
Self-care plan does not identify weekly stressors or ways to manage them
Self-care plan identifies weekly stressors and ways to manage them
Self-care plan includes specific details about weekly stressors with effective organization of ways to manage them
Mission Statement = 14.0%
Evaluation Item
0 69%
70 79%
80 89%
90 100%
Develop a Personal Mission Statement
Personal Mission Statement Essay does not explain how the students goals, Organizational Study Plan, and Self-Care Plan relate to their overall future success
Personal Mission Statement Essay partially explains how the students goals and Self-Care Plan relate to their overall future success
Personal Mission Statement Essay adequately explains how the students goals, and Self-Care Plan relate to their overall future success
Personal Mission Statement Essay explains with detail how the students goals and Self-Care Plan relate to their overall future success
Rubric Writing Standards Measures = 12.0%
Evaluation Item
0 69%
70 79%
80 89%
90 100%
There are multiple writing convention errors that severely impede comprehension of the work
There are multiple writing convention errors that somewhat limit comprehension of the work
There are some writing convention errors, but they do not impede comprehension of the work
There are no detectable writing convention errors
APA format and referencing
No attempt to cite sources in APA format is evident
The source citations have multiple APA formatting errors
The source citations have some APA formatting errors
Either the source citations follow APA formatting guidelines with no detectable errors, or no source citation was required for this submission
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