Final Portfolio and review
This assignment will be submitted in Turn it in website that discover plagiarism so please be careful. You will find in the uploaded file all the files and information that you need. this is a link for the book that we used ( ). THIS ASSIGNMENT IS HARD I NEED SOMEONE UNDERSTAND IT VERY WELL. ALL MY ASSIGNMENTS TALK ABOUT ONE COMPANY WHICH IS GMC COMPANY SO PLEASE DON”T TALK ABOUT OTHER COMPANIES. Purpose: Critical reflection is a vital part of performance improvement competency. This assignment is a portfolio review of the 7 PITT exercises completed in this course from the organizational (or individual) quality management and performance improvement to self-reflection.
Format: You will first need to revise each exercise as needed and recommended by the instructor (expected to return within 1-2 weeks after due date) and develop the 7 exercises into a portfolio. You will then, in a one to two page paper, state the three most important lessons you’ve gained about continuous performance improvement based on your semester’s work on the PITT exercises and give yourself a grade (from 1/lowest to 10/highest) based on your own perceived effort and learning. Your final portfolio may include cover page, table of content, abstract, intro, 7 exercises, conclusions, reflections (3 most important lessons learned and a score of self-evaluation), and references. THE NUMBER OF PAPER THAT I CHOSE IS 3 BUT THAT DOESN’T ACOUNT THE CORRECTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT IT”S ONLY COUNT FOR THE THINGS THAT I WANT TO ADD WITH THOSE EXERCISES.
Final Portfolio and review