Mercury PPM
Status 9 Not Polluted 17 Polluted 3 Not Polluted 14 Polluted 10 Polluted
2 A Q Rating over 50 is Popular. Use a function to return a value of "Popular" or "Not Popular" in Column D. (2 pts) TV Star Jim Belushi Tina Fey Tyler Perry Alec Baldwin
Q Rating 31 86 74 49
Popular? Not Popular Popular Popular Not Popular
3 Average Temperatures over 70 make the climate "Tropical" and under 70 is "Moderate." Fill in column D with a function. (2 pts) Location Philadelphia LA NY Minneapolis (3 pts)
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 (3 pts) 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 (3 pts) 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 (5 pts)
Avg Temp 67 78 72 43
4 Standard letter grades are assumed to be anything 90 and above is an A, anything in the 80s is B, etc. Create a vlookup function to return the appropriate letter grade in Cloumn D. Then use the "IF" function to determine pass or fail in column E. (Anything 60 or over is passing.) Letter Name Score Grade Pass/Fail Bob 72 Sara 95 Chris 49 Tina 56 LaToya 88 Vikram 93 Jose 85 Chantal 82 Joe 68 Rachel 90 5 As we know, sites may install a lot of tracking programs on our computer. Set up a vlookup function to rate the following sites based on a scale where up to 20 trackers are "low," 21 to 50 are "moderate," 51 to 70 are "warning" and over 70 are "terrible." Site
# Trackers
18 70 58 114 71
6 Use a vlookup to calculate each person’s school tax bill, based on the assumption that a house assessed at more than $1,000,000 pays 20,000/year; one assessed from $750,000 to 999,999 pays 17,000/year; one assessed at $500,000 to 749,000 pays $12,000/year; and properties assessed at less than $500,000 pay $7,000 per year. Name Jones Johnson Nguyen Ramirez O’Brien Patel Cohen Wilson
Assessment School Tax $565,000 $250,000 $1,250,000 $789,000 $723,000 $2,234,000 $512,000 $129,000
7 Graph the data from problem 5 so that it looks like the one in the assignments area, and display it below: