So, for this assignment, I would like you to choose a film that deals with the surreal, the silence of God, or something from among the scariest films of all time. If you choose a horror film, feel free to make your case for its inclusion in the alltime HORROR HALL of FAME (If you are really squeamish, you may substitute a suspense thriller for a horror filmbut be sure to discuss its religious and/or mythic implications.) Or you may want to discuss a piece of alarming literature, I know I certainly found Poe very darkly disturbing yet fascinating as a child, and Kafka was certainly a shock to my system and psyche as an adult, but we will deal with them more later
Film & Theater studies

Film & Theater studies

Film & Theater studies
Assignment: After attending the live theatrical performance (which was either a required performance, one chosen from the class list which is posted in the Theatrical
Performances tab to the left, or one approved by the instructor), write a 3-5 page response/review paper.
Your paper should include specific examples of what engaged/disengaged you during this performance and why. Identify specific observations/examples from the
performance about acting, directing, set/costume/lighting/sound design, and the audience. Cite and apply specific ideas/theories from Theatrical Worlds to back up your
observations, opinions, and assertions. In conclusion, what did you learn about yourself and theatre as a result of viewing this performance and completing this
assignment? How can you apply and compare what you learned to your own major or field of study?
Film & Theater studies

Film & Theater studies
Assignment: After attending the live theatrical performance (which was either a required performance, one chosen from the class list which is posted in the Theatrical
Performances tab to the left, or one approved by the instructor), write a 3-5 page response/review paper.
Your paper should include specific examples of what engaged/disengaged you during this performance and why. Identify specific observations/examples from the
performance about acting, directing, set/costume/lighting/sound design, and the audience. Cite and apply specific ideas/theories from Theatrical Worlds to back up your
observations, opinions, and assertions. In conclusion, what did you learn about yourself and theatre as a result of viewing this performance and completing this
assignment? How can you apply and compare what you learned to your own major or field of study?