Write a 10-page paper on any single topic you wish, given that it is within the time frame of this course. The paper must draw from at least two primary and ten secondary sources, and you must have my approval of the topic before you begin. Use standard college format with endnotes and bibliography.By examining Philippine-American relations under the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos, it will become evident how the United States played a crucial role Marcos dictatorship and martial law. The paper will outline how the U.S. policy of containment affected the Philippines, how various American presidents dealt with Marcos, and how the peoples revolution gave rise to a new constitutional government with Corazon Aquino as the leader. Also, President Jimmy Carters condemnation for Marcos acts against humanity and President Ronald Reagans relationship with the Marcoses before and during his president will be covered.American foreign policy in the Philippines during this time period is important.
Filipino-American Relations Under Ferdinand Marcos