This homework assignment is your field observation. To complete this assignment please complete an observation of children from new born to age 17. You will do so by observing children at a
daycare, the mall, sporting event, etc. The choice of location is yours. You will only need to probably do the observation for 15 or 20 minutes. You can observe family but not your own children,
however only do this if you cannot observe children except for family. Look in the Materials tab in the left navigation wiondow to find information on Erickson. You will you Ericksons stages to
determine if the children you are observing are demonstrating the behaviors listed by Erickson. Really pay attention during your observations so you can talk about what you are seeing in the paper
you will be submitting and in class next week. Once you have completed your observations you can type your paper directly into Blackboard using the H02 link below. There are no restrictions about
what you type other than find a way to connect the dots to Erickson, either by what the children do or dont do.
Field observation