The season can be nerve-wracking for students because there are loads of things to consider. Which major to take up, which college to go to, finding about its scholarship system all these can seem cumbersome. As these start taking a toll on you, the task of writing your comes out from the dark corner straight in front of you in all its daunting (read: haunting) glory.The college admission essay is the single most important piece of paper that can make or break your chances of cracking your way into a good university. Completely self-revelatory, this type of essay requires you to sum up your entire life in an engaging fashion in just a few hundred words. Besides, you even have to throw in a paragraph on why the faculty should choose you, all this while displaying your uniqueness in the write-up.Sounds difficult, doesnt it? Well, it is. But these pro tips are here to help you get from denied to accepted in a jiffy.Dont rely on borrowed quotes from famous personalities. That is so clichd. Give your essay a fresh start instead with a mini anecdote. Starting by telling a personal tale can help you get the attention of the admission officers right away. Just make sure that the anecdote you pick reveals your character and personality. Try selecting one from your memory book that had a transformative effect on your life and contributed to shaping the person you are today.Begin with focusing on what you can offer to the faculty through your essay rather than following the prompt like the Bible. Once you are done writing about that deeply personal experience, go back to the prompt and see which one fits your write-up the best. Whichever does, mould your final essay around it. This makes the task of editing much easier, and you do not have to worry about fitting into the prompts right from the start. Instead, you get the freedom to express your true self which is really what admission officers are looking for.Summing up your entire life, down to every significant moment, in a couple of hundred words is next to impossible. Instead, focus on presenting one standout incident that displays the best side of you in the minutest of details. Dont think about the word count right now. Just write what comes to you and remove the unnecessary details later. Doing this is vital as it prevents you from leaving out any important details that can .If you were a part of the admissions committee of any university, what kind of student would you want to be a part of your college? Would you like to see someone whose passion for learning and enthusiasm to succeed shines through his/her essay? Or would you take the one whose is devoid of any emotion whatsoever? Keeping this point of view in mind is crucial as the university faculty is looking for students who are rearing to go and are forever-hungry to learn something new, transforming into successful and responsible students of the future. Be sure to embrace this spirit and let it shine in your essay.One piece of valuable advice: take the same amount of time for choosing your topic as youd take to down. This is because the admissions committee will always remember the topic youve written on even if they forget the lessons presented or the details given. In fact, choosing a topic that is not common or popular can give you an edge above the rest. Most admission professors look for offbeat topics as those are the essays they enjoy reading and offer them a new perspective on the student they didnt think of before.Now that you know the kind of topics you must write on; you should also have an idea about the topics you should avoid. These are the topics you should steer clear of A mission you undertook and performed well in A relative or any other person you admire and have learned from A camp trip you went for.If you happen to work on any of the above topics, ensure that you give it an entirely different slant so that it turns out to be more compelling.You dont have the liberty to stretch your essay into a so be extra careful with the words you choose to put into it. Use brevity as a guiding principle while writing your essay. The central statement of your essay should be concise in nature and must be purely written in your words. At the same time, it should be informal and not written in the style of a school essay. Let your personality speak for itself in your essay.Ask yourself these questions. This will give you a clear direction for your essay What about yourself makes you feel most proud? Is there a story behind it? What makes you different from or even similar to your family and friends? What does everybody like about you the most? Which day has been your best day ever yet? What is that one thing youre exceptionally good at? Whats the dynamic in your family like and what role do you play? How has your family altered/shaped your perception of the world?These questions will also help you remember the important aspects of your life and gather information about them from your mind-space.Loads of universities will ask you to state your reason for choosing this particular university in your essay. You have to handle this question smartly and not just give the same old replies such as this university is renowned for being the best or that this university has a good teacher to student ratio. Do your homework and study the university. Ask yourself what are the things you like about it. Then devise your answer based on these reasons, backed by specific examples.Picture this: the admission officer is working late, its a busy time, and yours is one of the last few essays hes going to read for the day. He comes to your essay and gently drifts off to sleep because it is just not engaging enough. A horrifying scenario, isnt it?Prevent yourself from it by noticing what youre writing. Do you find what youve written interesting? Is your topic fun? Is your writing flowing naturally? If the answer to even one of these questions is no, go back and change certain aspects of what youve written. Keep in mind that if youre bored while , the reader of it will be bored while reading it.While writing the initial draft, it is okay to ignore most of the instructions given. But when submitting the final copy, you have to make sure that you essay fits perfectly into the guidelines provided. Theres a reason why universities set strict guidelines, and disobeying them can show that you either dont care much about rules or have a tough time following them. Either way, thats not an impression you want to create. However, that doesnt mean the content of your essay should be centered on what matters to the admission committee. The content should focus on whats important to you, only that it should be written within the boundaries of the instructions laid down by the college.Dont get overjoyed if youve managed to say all that was required within 150-200 words or so. While lucidity is important, sticking to the word count is equally paramount. Usually around 600-650 words is the limit. So if your content is too short, that means youre missing out on vital information and need to add more matter to submit a holistic essay. On the other hand, if youre crossing the word count, you need to chop it down and remove all the unnecessary bits and pieces. can help you achieve the ideal word count easily without compromising on details that enrich your essay. This topic can be anything, and you dont have to be afraid if its emotional or funny or dramatic.Its almost impossible for all colleges to perform a background check on each applicant individually. These colleges can only rely on the information you give them, and the report card from school or your application form barely says anything about you at all. This is the reason why you should use your application to introduce yourself beyond the formalities, beyond the basic information they already know through your forms.It might often perplex you as to why you have to put in so much time and effort in writing this essay and why it holds enough power to decide the course of your future. Well, the rationale of this exercise is rather simple. The colleges/universities want to see what your writing style is like and how well you can express yourself. They also want know about the kind of person you are, and whether youll fit into the principles they uphold as an institution. Your communication skills are tested too. Besides, most colleges are looking for students who have the ability to learn from their life experiences and make a difference in the world around them. Whether the student has leadership qualities or not or embraces team spirit is also analyzed through this mode. Your essay is the only medium that can reveal all of this about you.So many tips can have you thinking that you have to try hard to ace your essay and that you have to break your back to even marginally impress the admission committee. Breathe. Stop trying so hard. Its only going to come off as fake. Theres no need to look for fancier words on a thesaurus or to change your background information to make yourself look good. What is needed is a certain amount of self-awareness and honesty. The college faculty just wants you to be yourself. You can read up some of the essays that got selected for inspiration. If youre still not confident enough, ask a member of your family to read it for you. Take their feedback in a constructive manner and see what all you can change but use your discretion and dont change everything on the basis of the criticism.Once youre done with the final draft, give it a good read and see if theres still some editing left to do. If there is, get done with it and then proofread to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors in your copy. And now youre done. You can go ahead and drop in the final copy at your preferred college. Youve successfully progressed from being nervous while writing your essay to writing it like a pro.The above expert tips will help your write an excellent application essay. But the question is how many such essays can you write? How can you go on innovating and creating these essays from scratch when youre applying to so many colleges? The answer is simple. You call Our position as the foremost is not without cause. Equipped with a , every essay that is produced by us is of the highest quality, devoid of any plagiarism. The essays are proofread too so that the final copy is completely error-free. Besides, we also provide revisions till you like what you read. Our payment methods are completely secure, and you can make use of online banking, credit card, debit card or PayPal to pay us. We believe in providing you complete peace of mind, which is why we offer 247 assistance. You can call us anytime you want with any doubts you have, and well clear them right away. You also get the best prices from us, adding further to the sense of security we work so hard to provide you with. Lastly, you always get your essay delivered bang on time.
Feeling Jittery About College Application Essay? 16 Expert Tips to Wow Your Admission Officers