features that should be included in the HR and Procurement plans of a project based on the recommendations in the project management literature?
NOTE: Sources used in this paper must conform to the following standards:
1. You must use primary sources to support your arguments
2. Sources that you use MUST be project-related (i.e. NOT routine operations focused material)
3. You may not use Wikipedia (or other website material) as a source for your evidence.
4. You may not use sources that concern: the Sampoong Department Store, the Three Gorges Dam, Bank of America, Enron, the Rainbow Bridge, Foxconn, Walmart, Nike, the Ford Pinto, BP, City Time, or Nigeria.
Section A- write a (5-paragraph) Argumentative Essay (in a Word document) that makes an argument FOR the need for a Code of Ethics and Social Responsibility for project management.
MUST use the Toulmin Method to organize your essay.
You must write an essay (i.e. you may not simply list evidence, data, etc.). Your essay may NOT be more than 5 paragraphs in length.
Your evidence must be based on projects (not routine operations) and may NOT be personal opinion.
Evidence that you provide should be properly cited in accordance with APA 6 guidelines.
Section B – Ethical Issues in HR and Procurement
In a separate section of your paper (use subheadings to distinguish sections) discuss the following:
1. What are some of the features that should be included in the HR and Procurement plans of a project based on the recommendations in the project management literature?
2. Why do you think these items are important?
3. What ethics and social responsibility issues do you think might be of concern in the realm of HR and Procurement?
4. What would you do if you were confronted with such issues?
5. Under what circumstances do you think that it might be acceptable to “look the other way” when confronted with evidence of unethical behavior?
6. Why do you think so?
7. What are three (3) possible negative consequences that YOU might incur if you do decide to “look the other way?”
8. Find a journal or periodical article about a project or project official who you feel did not behave in an ethical manner. Please use academic article and please confirm with me which article you are going to use first. Provide a properly formatted bibliography entry and a link to the article (this is in addition to the reference entry for any in-text citations).
Clearly identify the following:
A general overview of the situation and the individual(s) involved.
A discussion of the reasons that make you think that they acted unethically?
The consequences to the individual(s) and to one other major stakeholder of the project?
What would you have done differently under the circumstances?
features that should be included in the HR and Procurement plans of a project based on the recommendations in the project management literature?

features that should be included in the HR and Procurement plans of a project based on the recommendations in the project management literature?

features that should be included in the HR and Procurement plans of a project based on the recommendations in the project management literature?
NOTE: Sources used in this paper must conform to the following standards:
1. You must use primary sources to support your arguments
2. Sources that you use MUST be project-related (i.e. NOT routine operations focused material)
3. You may not use Wikipedia (or other website material) as a source for your evidence.
4. You may not use sources that concern: the Sampoong Department Store, the Three Gorges Dam, Bank of America, Enron, the Rainbow Bridge, Foxconn, Walmart, Nike, the Ford Pinto, BP, City Time, or Nigeria.
Section A- write a (5-paragraph) Argumentative Essay (in a Word document) that makes an argument FOR the need for a Code of Ethics and Social Responsibility for project management.
MUST use the Toulmin Method to organize your essay.
You must write an essay (i.e. you may not simply list evidence, data, etc.). Your essay may NOT be more than 5 paragraphs in length.
Your evidence must be based on projects (not routine operations) and may NOT be personal opinion.
Evidence that you provide should be properly cited in accordance with APA 6 guidelines.
Section B – Ethical Issues in HR and Procurement
In a separate section of your paper (use subheadings to distinguish sections) discuss the following:
1. What are some of the features that should be included in the HR and Procurement plans of a project based on the recommendations in the project management literature?
2. Why do you think these items are important?
3. What ethics and social responsibility issues do you think might be of concern in the realm of HR and Procurement?
4. What would you do if you were confronted with such issues?
5. Under what circumstances do you think that it might be acceptable to “look the other way” when confronted with evidence of unethical behavior?
6. Why do you think so?
7. What are three (3) possible negative consequences that YOU might incur if you do decide to “look the other way?”
8. Find a journal or periodical article about a project or project official who you feel did not behave in an ethical manner. Please use academic article and please confirm with me which article you are going to use first. Provide a properly formatted bibliography entry and a link to the article (this is in addition to the reference entry for any in-text citations).
Clearly identify the following:
A general overview of the situation and the individual(s) involved.
A discussion of the reasons that make you think that they acted unethically?
The consequences to the individual(s) and to one other major stakeholder of the project?
What would you have done differently under the circumstances?