– Deadline is 12/3/2015 12:30 pm
– It is a total of 100 points, and this will be 4 % of your overall grade.
– A hard copy (print-out) of your report is due to beginning of the class.
– Submit only one word (pdf) file including answers to questions and your Excel outputs if necessary.
– You can work in groups with at most 4 members. One submission per group is sufficient.
Tahir Ekin
Attached is an Excel file that contains real estate data with observations of variables Price and Size. Run a simple regression using Price as the dependent (response) variable, and answer the following questions. 10 points each.
1) What are the values of beta coefficients?
2) What is the interpretation of the intercept?
3) What is the interpretation of the slope?
4) Compute the t statistic for the slope?
5) Compute a 90% confidence interval for the slope.
6) What is the p value for the slope? Comment on its meaning and the outcome of the respective test.
7) What is the degrees of freedom for total?
8) What is the F sample value? Comment on its meaning and the outcome of the respective test.
9) What is the coefficient of determination? Comment on its meaning.
10) What is sum of squared errors?
Fall 15 QMST 2333 REPORT 3

Fall 15 QMST 2333 REPORT 3

– Deadline is 12/3/2015 12:30 pm
– It is a total of 100 points, and this will be 4 % of your overall grade.
– A hard copy (print-out) of your report is due to beginning of the class.
– Submit only one word (pdf) file including answers to questions and your Excel outputs if necessary.
– You can work in groups with at most 4 members. One submission per group is sufficient.
Tahir Ekin
Attached is an Excel file that contains real estate data with observations of variables Price and Size. Run a simple regression using Price as the dependent (response) variable, and answer the following questions. 10 points each.
1) What are the values of beta coefficients?
2) What is the interpretation of the intercept?
3) What is the interpretation of the slope?
4) Compute the t statistic for the slope?
5) Compute a 90% confidence interval for the slope.
6) What is the p value for the slope? Comment on its meaning and the outcome of the respective test.
7) What is the degrees of freedom for total?
8) What is the F sample value? Comment on its meaning and the outcome of the respective test.
9) What is the coefficient of determination? Comment on its meaning.
10) What is sum of squared errors?