Faculty of Health SciencesMRSC5028This unit of study outline MUST be read in conjunction with the information published
on the Faculty of Health Sciences Coursework Student Information site:
http://sydney.edu.au/health-sciences/current-students/coursework/index.shtml. The site
provides essential information about common policy and procedures that apply to all units of
study offered by the Faculty, and key processes such as assessment, Special Consideration,
and appeals.
When considering applications and appeals relating to these matters, it will be assumed that
each student has taken the time to familiarise themselves with these key policies and
2. Unit of Study Information
Welcome to the unit of study Clinical Studies Radiography 3. This unit of study is aimed at
providing the student with a structured program of clinical experiences that will develop their
skills, attributes and knowledge of the Diagnostic Radiography clinical environment. This unit
of study is the third of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the
clinical environment. The unit will consolidate the students competence in routine diagnostic
radiography procedures and allow a broadening of knowledge and experience in more
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 2 of 8
specialised procedures and modalities. The development of lifelong learning and professional
skills is encouraged.
2.1 Aims and context
This unit of study is one of the clinical units that relates directly to your understanding and
practice as a radiographer. The unit is based on 6 weeks of clinical experience, 5 days per
week. Briefing classes are conducted prior to the placement to assist students in preparation
for placement. Debrief classes will be conducted on campus at the conclusion of the
placement to assist in analysing the groups experience, thereby learning from each other by
participating in large group discussions.. The UoS aims to develop your practical skills in the
workplace, with an emphasis on effective communication and teamwork in the workplace with
appropriate behaviour and professionalism.
2.2 Prerequisites and assumed knowledge
MRSC5027 Clinical Studies Radiography 2
2.3 Attendance Requirements
It is expected that all students attend the compulsory clinical briefing in this subject in order to
commence clinical placement. Students should also be attending the clinical debriefing class
to consolidate your clinical experience.
3. Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this unit students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication in the workplace
including interactions with staff, other health practitioners, patients and accompanying
persons (MRPBA Domain 2.1a, 2.1b)
2. Recognise communication barriers and apply strategies to facilitate effective
communication, particularly with individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds (MRPBA Domain 2.1e, 2.1f)
3. Demonstrate an ability to work effectively as a member of the interdisciplinary team,
including applying the principles of self-directed learning in the work place (MRPBA
Domain 2.2a)
4. Demonstrate the ability to confirm the appropriateness of clinical procedures including
understanding clinical indicators and radiation risks, and identifying factors which may
affect the patients capacity to undergo a procedure (MRPBA Domain 5.4a, 5.5a)
5. Apply a system that ensures the correct identification of patients and correct matching
of patients with their intended procedure (MRPBA Domain 4.2a)
6. Demonstrate the ability to provide each patient with an appropriate level of care and
dignity, including respecting socio-cultural differences and behaving in a nondiscriminatory
manner (MRPBA Domains 1.2a, 1.2b)
7. Assume responsibility, and accept accountability, for professional decisions, including
recognising and responding appropriately to unsafe or unprofessional practice and
adhering to departmental policies and guidelines (MRPBA Domain 1.3a, 1.3b)
8. Demonstrate an understanding of when it may be appropriate to advocate on a
patients behalf during a radiographic procedure, and begin to develop the ability to
advise other members of the health care team regarding the appropriateness of a
radiographic procedure (MRPBA Domain 1.4b, 1.4c)
9. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of Work Health and Safety, and apply
these principles to the radiographic work place (MRPBA Domain 4.2c, 4.2d, 4.4g)
10. Demonstrate an awareness of procedures for reporting and rectifying equipment
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 3 of 8
faults and safety hazards in the radiographic work place (MRPBA Domain 4.3c, 4.4b)
11. Demonstrate knowledge of medical terminology as relevant to the role of a
radiographer (MRPBA Domain 5.1b)
12. Identify and respond to a patient/clients deteriorating condition, or inability to undergo
a procedure or treatment, consistent with duty of care and statutory requirements
(MRPBA Domain 5.6b)
13. Demonstrate the ability to use patient information management systems appropriately
(MRPBA Domain 5.3b, 5.3c)
14. Apply knowledge of standard specialised projections, exposure factors, image criteria
and safe radiation practice for all general radiographic examinations (MRPBA Domain
5a.1a, 5a.1c)
15. Apply knowledge of patient preparation, care and aftercare, delivery systems, image
criteria and safe radiation practice for fluoroscopic examinations (MRPBA Domain
5a.2b, 5a.2c)
16. Apply clinical reasoning and reflective thinking skills to determine diagnostic
acceptability of own work (MRPBA Domain 3.2b, 3.2c, 3.2d)
17. Demonstrate an understanding that patient cases can involve a number of
complicating factors, both physical, psychosocial and cultural, and use this
knowledge to treat patients holistically (MRPBA Domain 5.5a, 5.5b, 5.5c, 5.5d, 5.5e)
4. Learning and Teaching Resources
4.1 Required Textbook / Resources
Students will be provided with readings and resources on the LMS (Blackboard) site which
aim to complement your learning in this unit of study.
4.2 Learner Preparation
Prior to attending clinical placement, all students must have received a complete compliance
check from NSW Health. Students will not be allowed on any clinical site if they have not
reached the minimum vaccination requirements.
Compulsory requirements for undertaking clinical placement include:
? A national police check clearance letter
? A complete vaccination record card
? CPR certificate
? Complete the NSW Health Code of Conduct module
? Have full clinical uniform
? Have a current PRM (provided by the University)
? Have a complete set of lead markers (students are to purchase these at their own
4.3 Learning Management System (LMS)
A Learning Management System (LMS) supports teaching in this unit. Material presented in
lectures will be posted after the lecture on the LMS site, as will announcements and updates.
You should go to the site at least twice a week. You will access online learning activities that
complement the seminar program through the LMS site.
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 4 of 8
5. Assessment
5.1 Assessment schedule
Assessment Item Individual/
Conditions Length Weight Due
Unit /
1. Clinical
Supervisor Final
Individual N/A N/A 50%* Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 1-17
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b 1.3a, 1.3b,
1.4b, 1.4c, 2.1a,
2.1b, 2.1e, 2.1f,
2.2a, 3.2b, 3.2c,
3.2d, 4.2a, 4.2c,
4.2d, 4.3c,
4.4b, 4.4g,
5a.1a, 5a.1c,
5.1b, 5a.2b,
5a.2c, 5.3b,
5.3c,5.4a, 5.5a,
5.5b, 5.5c, 5.5d,
5.5e, 5.6b
2. Individual Case
See further
words 50% Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 4, 6, 11, 17
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b, 5.1b, 5.4a,
5.5a,5.5b, 5.5c,
5.5d, 5.5e
3. Competency
Manual Individual
N/A 0% Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 1-7, 9, 11-16
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b, 1.3a, 1.3b,
2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1e,
2.1f, 2.2a, 3.2b,
3.2c, 3.2d, 4.2a,
4.2c, 4.2d,
5a.1c, 5a.2b,
5a.2c, 5.1b,
5.3b, 5.3c, 5.4a,
5.5a, 5.6b
Total 100%
*A pass in this assessment task is required in order to pass the unit of study
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 5 of 8
5.2 Assessment details
Assessment Item 1: Clinical Supervisor Final Assessment
Task description This is the final assessment that makes up 50% of your mark for this
unit of study. It is your responsibility to ensure that your supervisor
completes it prior to the end of your placement block. You must
obtain a pass in the departmental assessment to pass the unit
of study.
You will be assessed on your clinical skills at the end of the
placement based on what is expected for a Year 2 student.
However, you will need to consistently demonstrate your clinical
skills throughout the placement. Remember your attributes will be
assessed constantly, in other words your attitude to learning,
eagerness to participate, and willingness to fit in and be a team
player are all important to your final assessment. Clinical practice is
about demonstrating an applied knowledge (theory to practice) of
Diagnostic Radiography, and to have the necessary attributes of a
health care professional.
Task length N/A
Links to units
intended learning
LO 1-17
Assessment criteria The clinical supervisor final assessment can be found in the Clinical
Studies 3 Assessment forms and policies 2015 document available
on the LMS site
Dates and times due Hardcopy to be submitted Monday 2nd March 2015 in diagnostic
radiography assignment box, Level 2 J block
Assessment Item 2: Individual Case Study Assignment
Task description The individual case study is designed to allow you to demonstrate
your depth of understanding regarding a complex patient case.
Students are required to write a 2000 word assignment based on the
supplied patient case below. The case study should be written using
whole sentences and paragraphs. You are encouraged to use the
headings supplied in the marking rubric in order to structure your
Task length 2000 words
Links to units
intended learning
LO 4, 6, 11, 17
Assessment criteria Please refer to the information supplied (including marking rubric)
under Assessment Item 2: Individual Case Study Assignment.
Dates and times due Monday 27th July 2015 by 5pm. Submission via Turnitin assignment
drop box on LMS site.
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 6 of 8
Assessment Item 3: Competency Manual
Task description The competency manual is assessed as a pass/fail component of
the overall clinical assessment scheme. The focus is to ensure you
are competent to perform a whole range of examinations that you
will be expected to perform when you qualify. These records are
required to be satisfactorily completed before you can graduate.
For the purpose of this assessment, competence may be considered
to be: the ability of the student to successfully undertake an
examination (to the satisfaction of the supervising radiographer) at
the standard of a newly qualified member of staff
Task length N/A
Links to units
intended learning
LO 1-7, 9, 11-16
Assessment criteria Please refer to the information supplied under Assessment Item 3
Competency Manual
Dates and times due Monday 14th December by 5pm. Submission via Blackboard (LMS)
site in Clinical Competency Submission dropbox
Further Information Regarding Assessment Item 2 Individual Case Study
Presenting Signs and Symptoms:
25 year old male presents to the emergency department after high speed MVA (head on
collision). He has been trapped in the vehicle for 1 hour, with his legs trapped under the
dashboard. The vehicle is not equipped with airbags, and his chest has impacted the steering
wheel. He has an obvious compound fracture of the mid-shaft of the right femur, with
significant blood loss, and a suspected flail chest. On arrival at emergency, he has a GCS of
12. Symptoms of hypovolaemic shock.
Imaging Findings:
Comminuted fracture of the mid-shaft of the right femur. Flail segment right side anterior
chest wall. Sub-dural haematoma.
Post-Surgical Complications:
2 days post op presents with heat, swelling and redness of femoral fracture site. Also chest
pain and extreme shortness of breath. Symptoms suggestive of post-op infection, and fat
pulmonary embolism.
Social History:
Patients personal beliefs prohibit blood transfusions. He is slightly overweight, and has a
poor diet. He lives alone, and has no family or friends who are immediately contactable.
Sedentary lifestyle.
Medical History:
Previously well, but quite unfit. No past history of surgery or drug use. Non-smoker, social
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 7 of 8
Main issues of case discussed,
including the rationale for why
these issues need to be considered
What examinations/imaging
protocols would be required for the
given clinical history, taking into
account the issues from Criteria 1 /10
Involvement of other health
professionals. Who are they? Why
are they involved? What are they
going to do for the patient? /10
Prognosis/follow up. Treatment for
PE, ORIF#femur, rehab/physio
outcomes etc. /10
Conclusion /4
Referencing demonstrates broad
reading and depth of understanding /6
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 8 of 8
Further Information Regarding Assessment Item 3 Competency Manual:
The competency manual is assessed as a pass/fail component of the overall clinical
assessment scheme. The focus is to ensure you are competent to perform a whole range of
examinations that you will be expected to perform when you qualify. These records are
required to be satisfactorily completed before you can graduate.
For the purpose of this assessment, competence may be considered to be: the ability of the
student to successfully undertake an examination (to the satisfaction of the supervising
radiographer) at the standard of a newly qualified member of staff.
It is your responsibility to ensure these competency records are correctly completed. Please
have them signed by your clinical supervisor as soon as the examination has been
To gain a competency you should have, firstly, observed qualified staff perform the procedure.
You should then have assisted qualified staff to perform the procedure. The next step is to
perform the procedure unaided several times under the observation of an authorised clinical
supervisor. You may then attempt a competency for that particular examination, subject to the
approval of your supervisor. This supervisor should use the supplied competency
checklist to assess your competency. There is a separate checklist for each category
in your book. A supervisor can be any radiographer who is not an NPDP.
If you do not achieve the competency at first do not worry, as it is all good practice. Be
mindful of the feedback received and try again. You should continue to perform and
record these examinations after the competency has been gained to provide evidence
of clinical currency.
Competency classification:
Stage A the patient is mobile and cooperative
Stage B the patient is not as mobile but still cooperative and may require modification of
technique. Examples may include a chest x-ray carried out on a trolley patient, an extremity in
plaster, or an erect and supine abdomen on a patient who cannot stand
Stage C the patient may be uncooperative due to their condition, and requires modification
of technique, such as decubitus abdomen. This may include victims of major trauma (patients
injuries preclude co-operation), individuals with a cognitive impairment, individuals under the
influence of drugs and/or alcohol and uncooperative children.
Further Information Regarding Mid Clinical Assessment:
It is your responsibility to ensure the mid placement assessment form is completed by your
supervising radiographer. You should give the form to the supervisor PRIOR to the end of
week 3 of placement so they can provide you with feedback. If you are unclear about their
impressions of your performance, make sure you ask questions to help you to clarify what you
need to do to improve. You do not need to submit this form unless you are marked
Unsatisfactory in any area, or have specific concerns about it. If this is the case, contact the
university clinical educator immediately so a plan can be put in place to avoid failure. Clinical
supervisors may fill out the mid clinical assessment form as many times as they choose, at
their discretion.
Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences
This unit of study outline MUST be read in conjunction with the information published
on the Faculty of Health Sciences Coursework Student Information site:
http://sydney.edu.au/health-sciences/current-students/coursework/index.shtml. The site
provides essential information about common policy and procedures that apply to all units of
study offered by the Faculty, and key processes such as assessment, Special Consideration,
and appeals.
When considering applications and appeals relating to these matters, it will be assumed that
each student has taken the time to familiarise themselves with these key policies and
2. Unit of Study Information
Welcome to the unit of study Clinical Studies Radiography 3. This unit of study is aimed at
providing the student with a structured program of clinical experiences that will develop their
skills, attributes and knowledge of the Diagnostic Radiography clinical environment. This unit
of study is the third of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the
clinical environment. The unit will consolidate the students’ competence in routine diagnostic
radiography procedures and allow a broadening of knowledge and experience in more
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 2 of 8
specialised procedures and modalities. The development of lifelong learning and professional
skills is encouraged.
2.1 Aims and context
This unit of study is one of the clinical units that relates directly to your understanding and
practice as a radiographer. The unit is based on 6 weeks of clinical experience, 5 days per
week. Briefing classes are conducted prior to the placement to assist students in preparation
for placement. Debrief classes will be conducted on campus at the conclusion of the
placement to assist in analysing the group’s experience, thereby learning from each other by
participating in large group discussions.. The UoS aims to develop your practical skills in the
workplace, with an emphasis on effective communication and teamwork in the workplace with
appropriate behaviour and professionalism.
2.2 Prerequisites and assumed knowledge
MRSC5027 Clinical Studies Radiography 2
2.3 Attendance Requirements
It is expected that all students attend the compulsory clinical briefing in this subject in order to
commence clinical placement. Students should also be attending the clinical debriefing class
to consolidate your clinical experience.
3. Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this unit students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication in the workplace
including interactions with staff, other health practitioners, patients and accompanying
persons (MRPBA Domain 2.1a, 2.1b)
2. Recognise communication barriers and apply strategies to facilitate effective
communication, particularly with individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds (MRPBA Domain 2.1e, 2.1f)
3. Demonstrate an ability to work effectively as a member of the interdisciplinary team,
including applying the principles of self-directed learning in the work place (MRPBA
Domain 2.2a)
4. Demonstrate the ability to confirm the appropriateness of clinical procedures including
understanding clinical indicators and radiation risks, and identifying factors which may
affect the patient’s’ capacity to undergo a procedure (MRPBA Domain 5.4a, 5.5a)
5. Apply a system that ensures the correct identification of patients and correct matching
of patients with their intended procedure (MRPBA Domain 4.2a)
6. Demonstrate the ability to provide each patient with an appropriate level of care and
dignity, including respecting socio-cultural differences and behaving in a nondiscriminatory
manner (MRPBA Domains 1.2a, 1.2b)
7. Assume responsibility, and accept accountability, for professional decisions, including
recognising and responding appropriately to unsafe or unprofessional practice and
adhering to departmental policies and guidelines (MRPBA Domain 1.3a, 1.3b)
8. Demonstrate an understanding of when it may be appropriate to advocate on a
patients’ behalf during a radiographic procedure, and begin to develop the ability to
advise other members of the health care team regarding the appropriateness of a
radiographic procedure (MRPBA Domain 1.4b, 1.4c)
9. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of Work Health and Safety, and apply
these principles to the radiographic work place (MRPBA Domain 4.2c, 4.2d, 4.4g)
10. Demonstrate an awareness of procedures for reporting and rectifying equipment
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 3 of 8
faults and safety hazards in the radiographic work place (MRPBA Domain 4.3c, 4.4b)
11. Demonstrate knowledge of medical terminology as relevant to the role of a
radiographer (MRPBA Domain 5.1b)
12. Identify and respond to a patient/client’s deteriorating condition, or inability to undergo
a procedure or treatment, consistent with duty of care and statutory requirements
(MRPBA Domain 5.6b)
13. Demonstrate the ability to use patient information management systems appropriately
(MRPBA Domain 5.3b, 5.3c)
14. Apply knowledge of standard specialised projections, exposure factors, image criteria
and safe radiation practice for all general radiographic examinations (MRPBA Domain
5a.1a, 5a.1c)
15. Apply knowledge of patient preparation, care and aftercare, delivery systems, image
criteria and safe radiation practice for fluoroscopic examinations (MRPBA Domain
5a.2b, 5a.2c)
16. Apply clinical reasoning and reflective thinking skills to determine diagnostic
acceptability of own work (MRPBA Domain 3.2b, 3.2c, 3.2d)
17. Demonstrate an understanding that patient cases can involve a number of
complicating factors, both physical, psychosocial and cultural, and use this
knowledge to treat patients holistically (MRPBA Domain 5.5a, 5.5b, 5.5c, 5.5d, 5.5e)
4. Learning and Teaching Resources
4.1 Required Textbook / Resources
Students will be provided with readings and resources on the LMS (Blackboard) site which
aim to complement your learning in this unit of study.
4.2 Learner Preparation
Prior to attending clinical placement, all students must have received a complete compliance
check from NSW Health. Students will not be allowed on any clinical site if they have not
reached the minimum vaccination requirements.
Compulsory requirements for undertaking clinical placement include:
? A national police check clearance letter
? A complete vaccination record card
? CPR certificate
? Complete the NSW Health Code of Conduct module
? Have full clinical uniform
? Have a current PRM (provided by the University)
? Have a complete set of lead markers (students are to purchase these at their own
4.3 Learning Management System (LMS)
A Learning Management System (LMS) supports teaching in this unit. Material presented in
lectures will be posted after the lecture on the LMS site, as will announcements and updates.
You should go to the site at least twice a week. You will access online learning activities that
complement the seminar program through the LMS site.
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 4 of 8
5. Assessment
5.1 Assessment schedule
Assessment Item Individual/
Conditions Length Weight Due
Unit /
1. Clinical
Supervisor Final
Individual N/A N/A 50%* Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 1-17
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b 1.3a, 1.3b,
1.4b, 1.4c, 2.1a,
2.1b, 2.1e, 2.1f,
2.2a, 3.2b, 3.2c,
3.2d, 4.2a, 4.2c,
4.2d, 4.3c,
4.4b, 4.4g,
5a.1a, 5a.1c,
5.1b, 5a.2b,
5a.2c, 5.3b,
5.3c,5.4a, 5.5a,
5.5b, 5.5c, 5.5d,
5.5e, 5.6b
2. Individual Case
See further
words 50% Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 4, 6, 11, 17
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b, 5.1b, 5.4a,
5.5a,5.5b, 5.5c,
5.5d, 5.5e
3. Competency
Manual Individual
N/A 0% Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 1-7, 9, 11-16
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b, 1.3a, 1.3b,
2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1e,
2.1f, 2.2a, 3.2b,
3.2c, 3.2d, 4.2a,
4.2c, 4.2d,
5a.1c, 5a.2b,
5a.2c, 5.1b,
5.3b, 5.3c, 5.4a,
5.5a, 5.6b
Total 100%
*A pass in this assessment task is required in order to pass the unit of study
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 5 of 8
5.2 Assessment details
Assessment Item 1: Clinical Supervisor Final Assessment
Task description This is the final assessment that makes up 50% of your mark for this
unit of study. It is your responsibility to ensure that your supervisor
completes it prior to the end of your placement block. You must
obtain a pass in the departmental assessment to pass the unit
of study.
You will be assessed on your clinical skills at the end of the
placement based on what is expected for a Year 2 student.
However, you will need to consistently demonstrate your clinical
skills throughout the placement. Remember your attributes will be
assessed constantly, in other words your attitude to learning,
eagerness to participate, and willingness to fit in and be a team
player are all important to your final assessment. Clinical practice is
about demonstrating an applied knowledge (theory to practice) of
Diagnostic Radiography, and to have the necessary attributes of a
health care professional.
Task length N/A
Links to unit’s
intended learning
LO 1-17
Assessment criteria The clinical supervisor final assessment can be found in the ‘Clinical
Studies 3 Assessment forms and policies 2015’ document available
on the LMS site
Dates and times due Hardcopy to be submitted Monday 2nd March 2015 in diagnostic
radiography assignment box, Level 2 J block
Assessment Item 2: Individual Case Study Assignment
Task description The individual case study is designed to allow you to demonstrate
your depth of understanding regarding a complex patient case.
Students are required to write a 2000 word assignment based on the
supplied patient case below. The case study should be written using
whole sentences and paragraphs. You are encouraged to use the
headings supplied in the marking rubric in order to structure your
Task length 2000 words
Links to unit’s
intended learning
LO 4, 6, 11, 17
Assessment criteria Please refer to the information supplied (including marking rubric)
under ‘Assessment Item 2: Individual Case Study Assignment’.
Dates and times due Monday 27th July 2015 by 5pm. Submission via Turnitin assignment
drop box on LMS site.
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 6 of 8
Assessment Item 3: Competency Manual
Task description The competency manual is assessed as a pass/fail component of
the overall clinical assessment scheme. The focus is to ensure you
are competent to perform a whole range of examinations that you
will be expected to perform when you qualify. These records are
required to be satisfactorily completed before you can graduate.
For the purpose of this assessment, competence may be considered
to be: the ability of the student to successfully undertake an
examination (to the satisfaction of the supervising radiographer) at
the standard of a newly qualified member of staff
Task length N/A
Links to unit’s
intended learning
LO 1-7, 9, 11-16
Assessment criteria Please refer to the information supplied under ‘Assessment Item 3 –
Competency Manual’
Dates and times due Monday 14th December by 5pm. Submission via Blackboard (LMS)
site in ‘Clinical Competency Submission’ dropbox
Further Information Regarding Assessment Item 2 – Individual Case Study
Presenting Signs and Symptoms:
25 year old male presents to the emergency department after high speed MVA (head on
collision). He has been trapped in the vehicle for 1 hour, with his legs trapped under the
dashboard. The vehicle is not equipped with airbags, and his chest has impacted the steering
wheel. He has an obvious compound fracture of the mid-shaft of the right femur, with
significant blood loss, and a suspected flail chest. On arrival at emergency, he has a GCS of
12. Symptoms of hypovolaemic shock.
Imaging Findings:
Comminuted fracture of the mid-shaft of the right femur. Flail segment right side anterior
chest wall. Sub-dural haematoma.
Post-Surgical Complications:
2 days post op presents with heat, swelling and redness of femoral fracture site. Also chest
pain and extreme shortness of breath. Symptoms suggestive of post-op infection, and fat
pulmonary embolism.
Social History:
Patient’s personal beliefs prohibit blood transfusions. He is slightly overweight, and has a
poor diet. He lives alone, and has no family or friends who are immediately contactable.
Sedentary lifestyle.
Medical History:
Previously well, but quite unfit. No past history of surgery or drug use. Non-smoker, social
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 7 of 8
Main issues of case discussed,
including the rationale for why
these issues need to be considered
What examinations/imaging
protocols would be required for the
given clinical history, taking into
account the issues from Criteria 1 /10
Involvement of other health
professionals. Who are they? Why
are they involved? What are they
going to do for the patient? /10
Prognosis/follow up. Treatment for
PE, ORIF#femur, rehab/physio
outcomes etc. /10
Conclusion /4
Referencing demonstrates broad
reading and depth of understanding /6
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 8 of 8
Further Information Regarding Assessment Item 3 – Competency Manual:
The competency manual is assessed as a pass/fail component of the overall clinical
assessment scheme. The focus is to ensure you are competent to perform a whole range of
examinations that you will be expected to perform when you qualify. These records are
required to be satisfactorily completed before you can graduate.
For the purpose of this assessment, competence may be considered to be: the ability of the
student to successfully undertake an examination (to the satisfaction of the supervising
radiographer) at the standard of a newly qualified member of staff.
It is your responsibility to ensure these competency records are correctly completed. Please
have them signed by your clinical supervisor as soon as the examination has been
To gain a competency you should have, firstly, observed qualified staff perform the procedure.
You should then have assisted qualified staff to perform the procedure. The next step is to
perform the procedure unaided several times under the observation of an authorised clinical
supervisor. You may then attempt a competency for that particular examination, subject to the
approval of your supervisor. This supervisor should use the supplied competency
checklist to assess your competency. There is a separate checklist for each category
in your book. A supervisor can be any radiographer who is not an NPDP.
If you do not achieve the competency at first do not worry, as it is all good practice. Be
mindful of the feedback received and try again. You should continue to perform and
record these examinations after the competency has been gained to provide evidence
of clinical currency.
Competency classification:
Stage A – the patient is mobile and cooperative
Stage B – the patient is not as mobile but still cooperative and may require modification of
technique. Examples may include a chest x-ray carried out on a trolley patient, an extremity in
plaster, or an erect and supine abdomen on a patient who cannot stand
Stage C – the patient may be uncooperative due to their condition, and requires modification
of technique, such as decubitus abdomen. This may include victims of major trauma (patient’s
injuries preclude co-operation), individuals with a cognitive impairment, individuals under the
influence of drugs and/or alcohol and uncooperative children.
Further Information Regarding Mid Clinical Assessment:
It is your responsibility to ensure the mid placement assessment form is completed by your
supervising radiographer. You should give the form to the supervisor PRIOR to the end of
week 3 of placement so they can provide you with feedback. If you are unclear about their
impressions of your performance, make sure you ask questions to help you to clarify what you
need to do to improve. You do not need to submit this form unless you are marked
‘Unsatisfactory’ in any area, or have specific concerns about it. If this is the case, contact the
university clinical educator immediately so a plan can be put in place to avoid failure. Clinical
supervisors may fill out the mid clinical assessment form as many times as they choose, at
their discretion.
Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences
This unit of study outline MUST be read in conjunction with the information published
on the Faculty of Health Sciences Coursework Student Information site:
http://sydney.edu.au/health-sciences/current-students/coursework/index.shtml. The site
provides essential information about common policy and procedures that apply to all units of
study offered by the Faculty, and key processes such as assessment, Special Consideration,
and appeals.
When considering applications and appeals relating to these matters, it will be assumed that
each student has taken the time to familiarise themselves with these key policies and
2. Unit of Study Information
Welcome to the unit of study Clinical Studies Radiography 3. This unit of study is aimed at
providing the student with a structured program of clinical experiences that will develop their
skills, attributes and knowledge of the Diagnostic Radiography clinical environment. This unit
of study is the third of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the
clinical environment. The unit will consolidate the students’ competence in routine diagnostic
radiography procedures and allow a broadening of knowledge and experience in more
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 2 of 8
specialised procedures and modalities. The development of lifelong learning and professional
skills is encouraged.
2.1 Aims and context
This unit of study is one of the clinical units that relates directly to your understanding and
practice as a radiographer. The unit is based on 6 weeks of clinical experience, 5 days per
week. Briefing classes are conducted prior to the placement to assist students in preparation
for placement. Debrief classes will be conducted on campus at the conclusion of the
placement to assist in analysing the group’s experience, thereby learning from each other by
participating in large group discussions.. The UoS aims to develop your practical skills in the
workplace, with an emphasis on effective communication and teamwork in the workplace with
appropriate behaviour and professionalism.
2.2 Prerequisites and assumed knowledge
MRSC5027 Clinical Studies Radiography 2
2.3 Attendance Requirements
It is expected that all students attend the compulsory clinical briefing in this subject in order to
commence clinical placement. Students should also be attending the clinical debriefing class
to consolidate your clinical experience.
3. Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this unit students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication in the workplace
including interactions with staff, other health practitioners, patients and accompanying
persons (MRPBA Domain 2.1a, 2.1b)
2. Recognise communication barriers and apply strategies to facilitate effective
communication, particularly with individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds (MRPBA Domain 2.1e, 2.1f)
3. Demonstrate an ability to work effectively as a member of the interdisciplinary team,
including applying the principles of self-directed learning in the work place (MRPBA
Domain 2.2a)
4. Demonstrate the ability to confirm the appropriateness of clinical procedures including
understanding clinical indicators and radiation risks, and identifying factors which may
affect the patient’s’ capacity to undergo a procedure (MRPBA Domain 5.4a, 5.5a)
5. Apply a system that ensures the correct identification of patients and correct matching
of patients with their intended procedure (MRPBA Domain 4.2a)
6. Demonstrate the ability to provide each patient with an appropriate level of care and
dignity, including respecting socio-cultural differences and behaving in a nondiscriminatory
manner (MRPBA Domains 1.2a, 1.2b)
7. Assume responsibility, and accept accountability, for professional decisions, including
recognising and responding appropriately to unsafe or unprofessional practice and
adhering to departmental policies and guidelines (MRPBA Domain 1.3a, 1.3b)
8. Demonstrate an understanding of when it may be appropriate to advocate on a
patients’ behalf during a radiographic procedure, and begin to develop the ability to
advise other members of the health care team regarding the appropriateness of a
radiographic procedure (MRPBA Domain 1.4b, 1.4c)
9. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of Work Health and Safety, and apply
these principles to the radiographic work place (MRPBA Domain 4.2c, 4.2d, 4.4g)
10. Demonstrate an awareness of procedures for reporting and rectifying equipment
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 3 of 8
faults and safety hazards in the radiographic work place (MRPBA Domain 4.3c, 4.4b)
11. Demonstrate knowledge of medical terminology as relevant to the role of a
radiographer (MRPBA Domain 5.1b)
12. Identify and respond to a patient/client’s deteriorating condition, or inability to undergo
a procedure or treatment, consistent with duty of care and statutory requirements
(MRPBA Domain 5.6b)
13. Demonstrate the ability to use patient information management systems appropriately
(MRPBA Domain 5.3b, 5.3c)
14. Apply knowledge of standard specialised projections, exposure factors, image criteria
and safe radiation practice for all general radiographic examinations (MRPBA Domain
5a.1a, 5a.1c)
15. Apply knowledge of patient preparation, care and aftercare, delivery systems, image
criteria and safe radiation practice for fluoroscopic examinations (MRPBA Domain
5a.2b, 5a.2c)
16. Apply clinical reasoning and reflective thinking skills to determine diagnostic
acceptability of own work (MRPBA Domain 3.2b, 3.2c, 3.2d)
17. Demonstrate an understanding that patient cases can involve a number of
complicating factors, both physical, psychosocial and cultural, and use this
knowledge to treat patients holistically (MRPBA Domain 5.5a, 5.5b, 5.5c, 5.5d, 5.5e)
4. Learning and Teaching Resources
4.1 Required Textbook / Resources
Students will be provided with readings and resources on the LMS (Blackboard) site which
aim to complement your learning in this unit of study.
4.2 Learner Preparation
Prior to attending clinical placement, all students must have received a complete compliance
check from NSW Health. Students will not be allowed on any clinical site if they have not
reached the minimum vaccination requirements.
Compulsory requirements for undertaking clinical placement include:
? A national police check clearance letter
? A complete vaccination record card
? CPR certificate
? Complete the NSW Health Code of Conduct module
? Have full clinical uniform
? Have a current PRM (provided by the University)
? Have a complete set of lead markers (students are to purchase these at their own
4.3 Learning Management System (LMS)
A Learning Management System (LMS) supports teaching in this unit. Material presented in
lectures will be posted after the lecture on the LMS site, as will announcements and updates.
You should go to the site at least twice a week. You will access online learning activities that
complement the seminar program through the LMS site.
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5. Assessment
5.1 Assessment schedule
Assessment Item Individual/
Conditions Length Weight Due
Unit /
1. Clinical
Supervisor Final
Individual N/A N/A 50%* Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 1-17
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b 1.3a, 1.3b,
1.4b, 1.4c, 2.1a,
2.1b, 2.1e, 2.1f,
2.2a, 3.2b, 3.2c,
3.2d, 4.2a, 4.2c,
4.2d, 4.3c,
4.4b, 4.4g,
5a.1a, 5a.1c,
5.1b, 5a.2b,
5a.2c, 5.3b,
5.3c,5.4a, 5.5a,
5.5b, 5.5c, 5.5d,
5.5e, 5.6b
2. Individual Case
See further
words 50% Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 4, 6, 11, 17
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b, 5.1b, 5.4a,
5.5a,5.5b, 5.5c,
5.5d, 5.5e
3. Competency
Manual Individual
N/A 0% Monday 27th
July 2015
LO 1-7, 9, 11-16
Domains 1.2a,
1.2b, 1.3a, 1.3b,
2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1e,
2.1f, 2.2a, 3.2b,
3.2c, 3.2d, 4.2a,
4.2c, 4.2d,
5a.1c, 5a.2b,
5a.2c, 5.1b,
5.3b, 5.3c, 5.4a,
5.5a, 5.6b
Total 100%
*A pass in this assessment task is required in order to pass the unit of study
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5.2 Assessment details
Assessment Item 1: Clinical Supervisor Final Assessment
Task description This is the final assessment that makes up 50% of your mark for this
unit of study. It is your responsibility to ensure that your supervisor
completes it prior to the end of your placement block. You must
obtain a pass in the departmental assessment to pass the unit
of study.
You will be assessed on your clinical skills at the end of the
placement based on what is expected for a Year 2 student.
However, you will need to consistently demonstrate your clinical
skills throughout the placement. Remember your attributes will be
assessed constantly, in other words your attitude to learning,
eagerness to participate, and willingness to fit in and be a team
player are all important to your final assessment. Clinical practice is
about demonstrating an applied knowledge (theory to practice) of
Diagnostic Radiography, and to have the necessary attributes of a
health care professional.
Task length N/A
Links to unit’s
intended learning
LO 1-17
Assessment criteria The clinical supervisor final assessment can be found in the ‘Clinical
Studies 3 Assessment forms and policies 2015’ document available
on the LMS site
Dates and times due Hardcopy to be submitted Monday 2nd March 2015 in diagnostic
radiography assignment box, Level 2 J block
Assessment Item 2: Individual Case Study Assignment
Task description The individual case study is designed to allow you to demonstrate
your depth of understanding regarding a complex patient case.
Students are required to write a 2000 word assignment based on the
supplied patient case below. The case study should be written using
whole sentences and paragraphs. You are encouraged to use the
headings supplied in the marking rubric in order to structure your
Task length 2000 words
Links to unit’s
intended learning
LO 4, 6, 11, 17
Assessment criteria Please refer to the information supplied (including marking rubric)
under ‘Assessment Item 2: Individual Case Study Assignment’.
Dates and times due Monday 27th July 2015 by 5pm. Submission via Turnitin assignment
drop box on LMS site.
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 6 of 8
Assessment Item 3: Competency Manual
Task description The competency manual is assessed as a pass/fail component of
the overall clinical assessment scheme. The focus is to ensure you
are competent to perform a whole range of examinations that you
will be expected to perform when you qualify. These records are
required to be satisfactorily completed before you can graduate.
For the purpose of this assessment, competence may be considered
to be: the ability of the student to successfully undertake an
examination (to the satisfaction of the supervising radiographer) at
the standard of a newly qualified member of staff
Task length N/A
Links to unit’s
intended learning
LO 1-7, 9, 11-16
Assessment criteria Please refer to the information supplied under ‘Assessment Item 3 –
Competency Manual’
Dates and times due Monday 14th December by 5pm. Submission via Blackboard (LMS)
site in ‘Clinical Competency Submission’ dropbox
Further Information Regarding Assessment Item 2 – Individual Case Study
Presenting Signs and Symptoms:
25 year old male presents to the emergency department after high speed MVA (head on
collision). He has been trapped in the vehicle for 1 hour, with his legs trapped under the
dashboard. The vehicle is not equipped with airbags, and his chest has impacted the steering
wheel. He has an obvious compound fracture of the mid-shaft of the right femur, with
significant blood loss, and a suspected flail chest. On arrival at emergency, he has a GCS of
12. Symptoms of hypovolaemic shock.
Imaging Findings:
Comminuted fracture of the mid-shaft of the right femur. Flail segment right side anterior
chest wall. Sub-dural haematoma.
Post-Surgical Complications:
2 days post op presents with heat, swelling and redness of femoral fracture site. Also chest
pain and extreme shortness of breath. Symptoms suggestive of post-op infection, and fat
pulmonary embolism.
Social History:
Patient’s personal beliefs prohibit blood transfusions. He is slightly overweight, and has a
poor diet. He lives alone, and has no family or friends who are immediately contactable.
Sedentary lifestyle.
Medical History:
Previously well, but quite unfit. No past history of surgery or drug use. Non-smoker, social
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 7 of 8
Main issues of case discussed,
including the rationale for why
these issues need to be considered
What examinations/imaging
protocols would be required for the
given clinical history, taking into
account the issues from Criteria 1 /10
Involvement of other health
professionals. Who are they? Why
are they involved? What are they
going to do for the patient? /10
Prognosis/follow up. Treatment for
PE, ORIF#femur, rehab/physio
outcomes etc. /10
Conclusion /4
Referencing demonstrates broad
reading and depth of understanding /6
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Page 8 of 8
Further Information Regarding Assessment Item 3 – Competency Manual:
The competency manual is assessed as a pass/fail component of the overall clinical
assessment scheme. The focus is to ensure you are competent to perform a whole range of
examinations that you will be expected to perform when you qualify. These records are
required to be satisfactorily completed before you can graduate.
For the purpose of this assessment, competence may be considered to be: the ability of the
student to successfully undertake an examination (to the satisfaction of the supervising
radiographer) at the standard of a newly qualified member of staff.
It is your responsibility to ensure these competency records are correctly completed. Please
have them signed by your clinical supervisor as soon as the examination has been
To gain a competency you should have, firstly, observed qualified staff perform the procedure.
You should then have assisted qualified staff to perform the procedure. The next step is to
perform the procedure unaided several times under the observation of an authorised clinical
supervisor. You may then attempt a competency for that particular examination, subject to the
approval of your supervisor. This supervisor should use the supplied competency
checklist to assess your competency. There is a separate checklist for each category
in your book. A supervisor can be any radiographer who is not an NPDP.
If you do not achieve the competency at first do not worry, as it is all good practice. Be
mindful of the feedback received and try again. You should continue to perform and
record these examinations after the competency has been gained to provide evidence
of clinical currency.
Competency classification:
Stage A – the patient is mobile and cooperative
Stage B – the patient is not as mobile but still cooperative and may require modification of
technique. Examples may include a chest x-ray carried out on a trolley patient, an extremity in
plaster, or an erect and supine abdomen on a patient who cannot stand
Stage C – the patient may be uncooperative due to their condition, and requires modification
of technique, such as decubitus abdomen. This may include victims of major trauma (patient’s
injuries preclude co-operation), individuals with a cognitive impairment, individuals under the
influence of drugs and/or alcohol and uncooperative children.
Further Information Regarding Mid Clinical Assessment:
It is your responsibility to ensure the mid placement assessment form is completed by your
supervising radiographer. You should give the form to the supervisor PRIOR to the end of
week 3 of placement so they can provide you with feedback. If you are unclear about their
impressions of your performance, make sure you ask questions to help you to clarify what you
need to do to improve. You do not need to submit this form unless you are marked
‘Unsatisfactory’ in any area, or have specific concerns about it. If this is the case, contact the
university clinical educator immediately so a plan can be put in place to avoid failure. Clinical
supervisors may fill out the mid clinical assessment form as many times as they choose, at
their discretion.