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Faculty of Business Environment and Society

Faculty of Business Environment and Society

Based on your academic research (i.e. journal articles), critically analyse the fundamentals of website design and their influence on enhancing customers’ online engagement. Furthermore, select any two websites and discuss how these websites have, or have not, applied these fundamentals.

Academic databases: Business Source Complete, Sage, Emerald and Science Direct

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

Analyse and assess the implementation, control and evaluation of the online marketing planning process.

Evaluate the impact of social networks on online consumer behaviour and social media communications strategies of organizations.

Content of the report:
•    Table of contents (not included in the word count)
•    Executive summary: less than one A4 page (included)
•    Introduction (included)
•    Main body   (included)
•    Conclusion  (included)
•    References (not included in the word count)

Report format
•    Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri size 12 points
•    1.5 line spacing
•    Include page numbers

Marking Scheme:
•    Structure 10%: Content is organised and appropriate; coherent; flow of information, arguments, and concepts
•    Knowledge and Understanding 30%: Identifies, explains, draws on appropriate theories, models, literature to demonstrate depth and breadth of reading to address the question
•    Application 30% Application of theory or practical examples given appropriate to context
•    Analysis and Recommendations 20%: Evaluation and critical analysis of the topic, synthesis of ideas/concepts, appropriate conclusions, justified recommendations
•    Presentation 10%: Spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, accurate CU Harvard Referencing style, writing style academic/professional

Submission information: Online
Date and time: 06/03/2015 at 23:55 Online

Please note:
1. Please note that work submitted late (where an extension/deferral has not been granted) will automatically attract a result of 0%.  This will count as a failed attempt, and may result in you failing the module overall.  You may be eligible to resit the failed assessment(s), subject to the University’s regulations on reassessment.  The maximum module mark that can be awarded for resit work is 40%.

2. Extensions will be in accordance with University and Faculty policy.

Any penalties for not complying with word limits will be in accordance with University and Faculty policy.

Return of Marked Work
Marked work will be returned online. You can expect to have marked work returned to you by 2 teaching weeks after the submission date. CWs will be returned back on 20th of March.

PLAGIARISM WARNING! – Assignments should not be copied in part or in whole from any other source, except for any marked up quotations, that clearly distinguish what has been quoted from your own work. All references used must be given, and the specific page number used should also be given for any direct quotations, which should be in inverted commas. Students found copying from the internet or other sources will get zero marks and may be excluded from the university.

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