Facial Malformation in Neonates with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)Order DescriptionThe goal of this research review is to explore deeper into the causes of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) at the neurological development level. I would like to focus my research question specifically on the embryos vulnerability to facial malformations as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure.I would like to explore what exact major event is being disrupted from alcohol exposure during neurological development that leads to the neonate having this very distinct facial malformation that is characteristic of FAS.There are a few areas that I would like to gain more insight on:
A) Excessive alcohol-induced apoptosis that directly targets the cranial neural crest cells during fetal development
B) The role of alcohol on the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) gene/protein
C) Designing a potential therapeutic approach to this medical problemThe goal of this paper is to assess, analyze, and potentially find approaches to treat facial malformations in those alcohol-exposed neonates with FAS.Here is a draft preliminary topic outline for this research review paper:
1. Introduction & Background Literature
A. Characteristics of FAS: Facial Malformations
B. Alcohol Induced Apoptosis of Cranial Neural Crest Cells
C. The key signalling molecule: Shh Protein
2. Unresolved Problems and Future Research Directions
A. Future Experiments with Shh to address gaps in current research
3. Medical Analysis and Potential Therapeutic Applications
A. Analysis of women in population exposed to alcohol during pregnancy
B. Establishment of secure therapeutic window for treatment
C. Administration of Shh as a potential therapeutic target and the caveats
Facial Malformation in Neonates with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)