Facebook’s ‘Free Basics’ recent failure in India and the company’s market/non-market strategies going forward
Order Description
Paper must contain the following sections:
1. Executive Summary: 1 solid paragraph summarizing the paper
2. Brief history of the issue: discuss in more detail Facebook’s creation of internet.org, launching of ‘Free Basics’ and its successful launch in other countries prior to India, and events leading up to and through its recent failure in India (TRAI’s decision which led to the shutdown of Facebook’s Free Basics)
3. Key Issues at stake: (list of 4 or 5, numbered and titled, 1-2 paragraphs each) [For example, 1. Free Basics and net neutrality, 2. Facebook’s reputation in India and other emerging markets, 3. Facebook’s relationship with Indian gov’t, etc.]
4. A (4 by 5 *or 6*) Table containing the following: Actors, Interests, Information and Assets as columns, and fill in the rows as necessary (5 or 6 should be sufficient – Actors would include Facebook/Internet.org, Opposing parties such as SavetheInternet.in, the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, etc.)
5. Arena: 1-2 paragraphs describing the arena/environment this issue has played out in
6. Bargaining Context & Range of Outcomes: can use a combination of paragraphs and bullet points here. Objective is to describe the options available to Facebook (whether it regroups and continues to press, or decides to accept defeat and/or tries to mitigate the damage spreading to other markets)
7. Market & Non-Market Strategies + Tactics: numbered and titled (list 5 or 6), 1-2 paragraphs each, describing the market and non-market strategies and tactics Facebook should employ to best deal with the situation in India (For example 1. Try to undermine SaveTheInternet.in’s points of contention to win over the opposition, 2. Amend content/terms of Free Basics , 3. Lobby the Indian government to overturn the decision, etc.
Facebook’s ‘Free Basics’ recent failure in India and the company’s market/non-market strategies going forward

Facebook’s ‘Free Basics’ recent failure in India and the company’s market/non-market strategies going forward

Facebook’s ‘Free Basics’ recent failure in India and the company’s market/non-market strategies going forward
Order Description
Paper must contain the following sections:
1. Executive Summary: 1 solid paragraph summarizing the paper
2. Brief history of the issue: discuss in more detail Facebook’s creation of internet.org, launching of ‘Free Basics’ and its successful launch in other countries prior to India, and events leading up to and through its recent failure in India (TRAI’s decision which led to the shutdown of Facebook’s Free Basics)
3. Key Issues at stake: (list of 4 or 5, numbered and titled, 1-2 paragraphs each) [For example, 1. Free Basics and net neutrality, 2. Facebook’s reputation in India and other emerging markets, 3. Facebook’s relationship with Indian gov’t, etc.]
4. A (4 by 5 *or 6*) Table containing the following: Actors, Interests, Information and Assets as columns, and fill in the rows as necessary (5 or 6 should be sufficient – Actors would include Facebook/Internet.org, Opposing parties such as SavetheInternet.in, the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, etc.)
5. Arena: 1-2 paragraphs describing the arena/environment this issue has played out in
6. Bargaining Context & Range of Outcomes: can use a combination of paragraphs and bullet points here. Objective is to describe the options available to Facebook (whether it regroups and continues to press, or decides to accept defeat and/or tries to mitigate the damage spreading to other markets)
7. Market & Non-Market Strategies + Tactics: numbered and titled (list 5 or 6), 1-2 paragraphs each, describing the market and non-market strategies and tactics Facebook should employ to best deal with the situation in India (For example 1. Try to undermine SaveTheInternet.in’s points of contention to win over the opposition, 2. Amend content/terms of Free Basics , 3. Lobby the Indian government to overturn the decision, etc.
Facebook’s ‘Free Basics’ recent failure in India and the company’s market/non-market strategies going forward

Facebook’s ‘Free Basics’ recent failure in India and the company’s market/non-market strategies going forward
Order Description
Paper must contain the following sections:
1. Executive Summary: 1 solid paragraph summarizing the paper
2. Brief history of the issue: discuss in more detail Facebook’s creation of internet.org, launching of ‘Free Basics’ and its successful launch in other countries prior to India, and events leading up to and through its recent failure in India (TRAI’s decision which led to the shutdown of Facebook’s Free Basics)
3. Key Issues at stake: (list of 4 or 5, numbered and titled, 1-2 paragraphs each) [For example, 1. Free Basics and net neutrality, 2. Facebook’s reputation in India and other emerging markets, 3. Facebook’s relationship with Indian gov’t, etc.]
4. A (4 by 5 *or 6*) Table containing the following: Actors, Interests, Information and Assets as columns, and fill in the rows as necessary (5 or 6 should be sufficient – Actors would include Facebook/Internet.org, Opposing parties such as SavetheInternet.in, the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, etc.)
5. Arena: 1-2 paragraphs describing the arena/environment this issue has played out in
6. Bargaining Context & Range of Outcomes: can use a combination of paragraphs and bullet points here. Objective is to describe the options available to Facebook (whether it regroups and continues to press, or decides to accept defeat and/or tries to mitigate the damage spreading to other markets)
7. Market & Non-Market Strategies + Tactics: numbered and titled (list 5 or 6), 1-2 paragraphs each, describing the market and non-market strategies and tactics Facebook should employ to best deal with the situation in India (For example 1. Try to undermine SaveTheInternet.in’s points of contention to win over the opposition, 2. Amend content/terms of Free Basics , 3. Lobby the Indian government to overturn the decision, etc.