Face Rating
need a psychology research paper about face rating. I already did the task with SSPS program. All I need is result and discussion and conclusion part based on my data. There is an instruction and I need a result and discussion part based on grading criteria. In the instruction, it says that I will have two derived factor. However, I only have one factor, instead of two.
Face Rating

Face Rating

Face Rating
need a psychology research paper about face rating. I already did the task with SSPS program. All I need is result and discussion and conclusion part based on my data. There is an instruction and I need a result and discussion part based on grading criteria. In the instruction, it says that I will have two derived factor. However, I only have one factor, instead of two.
Face Rating

Face Rating
need a psychology research paper about face rating. I already did the task with SSPS program. All I need is result and discussion and conclusion part based on my data. There is an instruction and I need a result and discussion part based on grading criteria. In the instruction, it says that I will have two derived factor. However, I only have one factor, instead of two.