Explain why Aristotle thought that a good life for human beings would be a life of contemplation. A complete answer will need to explain what teleological thinking is and how we can determine whether something is a good example of the kind of thing it is by discovering its purpose. Explain how teleological thinking and Aristotle’s notion of the good apply to human beings. You will need at least 3 paragraphs and probably more to complete this assignment.
Explain why Aristotle thought that a good life for human beings would be a life of contemplation.

Explain why Aristotle thought that a good life for human beings would be a life of contemplation.

Explain why Aristotle thought that a good life for human beings would be a life of contemplation. A complete answer will need to explain what teleological thinking is and how we can determine whether something is a good example of the kind of thing it is by discovering its purpose. Explain how teleological thinking and Aristotle’s notion of the good apply to human beings. You will need at least 3 paragraphs and probably more to complete this assignment.