E activity Visit The White House Briefing Room to read FACT SHEET: The Presidents Framework for Shared Prosperity and Shared Fiscal Responsibility dated April 13, 2011 athttp://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/04/13/fact-sheet-presidents-framework-shared-prosperity-and-shared-fiscal-resp. Be prepared to discuss.Discussion 1 Consider the difference between empirical scientific evidence and anecdotal evidence. Explain which is considered more useful to the study of public policy and state why. Using the e-Activity, identify 2-3 policies of your choice and discuss which type of evidence is most appropriate for the policies you identified.Discussion 2 Using one of the policies listed in Discussion 1, create one of each of the following (for a total of four arguments):o Normative argumento Positive argumento Anecdote argumento Evidence argumen
Explain which is considered more useful to the study of public policy and state why.