Download the data file SP500_Prices.xlsx attached.Prepare a brief, descriptive report based on the data file and submit it.You may use any computer software you wish (e.g., Excel with MegaStat, MINITAB, StatPlus).
Include relevant worksheets or graphs in your report.
If some questions do not apply to your data set, explain why not.(1) Find maximum and minimum value of S&P 500 price and make a histogram for S&P 500 index price for recent 3 years.
Describe its shape.(2) Explain what is mean and median, and discuss the properties of mean and median.
After then calculate the sample mean and median of S&P 500 index price for recent 3 years.
Are the data skewed?(3) Explain what is the geometric mean, min range and trimmed mean.
After then calculate Geo-mean, mid-range and 5% trimmed mean of S&P 500 index price for recent 3 years.(4) Discuss variance, standard deviation and mean absolute deviation.
(What are mathematical definitions of them, what is the statistical mean, what are properties of them and so on.)
After than calculate the sample standard deviation and the mean absolute deviation of S&P 500 index prices using the data file.(5) Discuss empirical rule.
Find outliers using standardized data (Z-score) for the given recent 3 years S&P 500 index prices.(6) Discuss what are quantiles and calculate the quartiles (Q1, Q2, Q3) for the given recent 3 years S&P 500 index prices .These questions should be answered in a plain language, executive level report that is supported with a technical level appendix that includes the original data set,
all manipulations and calculations of those data in Excel, all relevant statistical software output,
and a running narrative explaining the methodology used, the assumptions made, and the interpretation of each analysis performed.
Use only the information provided and your business and or common sense to complete this project; do not make things up or engage in creative writing.The course project is to be submitted via Blackboard attachment as A SINGLE DOCUMENT, either in Word or .pdf format.
DO NOT DUBMIT TWO or MORE FILES claiming that you were unable to transfer the Excel data and or statistical software data into Word and that you hoped I would understand.
I will not understand and I will consider the submission as being NOT RESPONSIVE to the assignment.
Explain what is mean and median, and discuss the properties of mean and median.