1. Explain fully Deborah Tannens concept of genderlects. Explain the two categories ofcommunication skills identified by Burleson and when people tend to seek out each type.Explain the two types of nonverbal communication discussed in class. Explain the use ofand importance of becoming an effective listener and discuss the types of non-constructivecriticism and why it should not be used. Think honestly about your own communication do you tend to engage in constructive or non-constructive communication? Are you happywith this style? Why or why not? (chapter 3)2. Compare and contrast the ancient Greek and Roman approach to human sexual behavior tothe 19 th and 20 th century American approach to human sexual behavior. How does religionplay a role in how Americans view abortion, contraception and same-sex marriage? Finally,discuss how the feminist movement of the late 1960s played a role in the sexual revolutionof that time period. Was this a good thing or not? Why or why not? (chapter 1)3. Explain gender roles and discuss the process of gender role socialization throughout the lifespan. Explain the four theories that seek to explain gender role development and explainthem fully. Which of these theories do you believe has the most merit and why? (chapter 4)
Explain the two types of nonverbal communication.