Experimental DesignsOrder Instructions:
Post by Day 3 a 3-paragraph evaluation of the choice of design and threats to validity in an experimental design. Your response should include
1) an evaluation of the choice of design
2) the author’s rationale for the design choice
3) the types of validity presented and the
4) critical differences among them
5) the author’s performance in explaining them
6) how you would assess the study’s validity
7) the information you would require to do so.
Also, do not forget to follow-up by DAY 5 (Friday at midnight).
Burger, J. M. (2009). Replicating Milgram: Would people still obey today? American Psychologist, 64(1), 1-11. doi:10.1037/a0010932
Use the PsycARTICLES database and search using the article’s AN Accession Number: amp-64-1-1
Wade, N. G., Worthington, E. L., Jr., & Haake, S. (2009, Spring). Comparison of
explicit forgiveness interventions with an alternative treatment: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87(2), 143–151.
Use the Academic Search Premier database and search using the article’s Accession Number: 38313481.