Experiential Exercise: Where Does it All Go – Individual Written Assignment Report
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Integrating responsible behavior into the DNA of business often requires first becoming aware of one’s own conduct and how it measures up to one’s own standards of socially responsible business behavior. Students will be asked to track their expenditures for seven consecutive days (i.e., one week). They are to create a log or diary of their purchases and maintain receipts (where applicable) as supporting documents of expenditures made in the week. After documenting the weekly expenses, students write an essay of not more than 1000 words reflecting on their expenditure patterns to judge their own state of social responsibility and to what extent and with what intensity the latter actually influences their economic decisions. Scanned copies of actual receipts (where possible) are to be submitted along with the written assignment. Students also need to submit in the assignment a table detailing on a day-by-day basis a description of the various expenditures incurred and their respective amounts in a currency of their choice.
Please read instructions carefully, I will attach copy of receipts for 4 days, for the rest days please improvise. Keep in mind that I live in Dubai