evitaPaper instructions:
The movie Evita, tell of Eves rise to power her illness and her death her public funeral. tell how Eve attends her fathers funeral as an illegitimate child.Tell the relevance of this movie and it cultural significance based on Buenos Aires, Rome,Mexico,Spain, and the Carribean. 3 pages please do not include a cover page


Paper instructions:
The movie Evita, tell of Eve”s rise to power her illness and her death her public funeral. tell how Eve attends her fathers funeral as an illegitimate child.Tell the relevance of this movie and it cultural significance based on Buenos Aires, Rome,Mexico,Spain, and the Carribean. 3 pages please do not include a cover page

Paper instructions:
The movie Evita, tell of Eve”s rise to power her illness and her death her public funeral. tell how Eve attends her fathers funeral as an illegitimate child.Tell the relevance of this movie and it cultural significance based on Buenos Aires, Rome,Mexico,Spain, and the Carribean. 3 pages please do not include a cover page