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Evaluation of the employee’s performance

The appraisal process entails an evaluation of the employee’s performance with regard to the laid down organizational goals and objectives. The appraisal process incorporates various stages. Each of the stages has profound effects and significance in the establishment of a sound performance management system. The establishment of the performance standards and their alignment with the organization goals is a vital aspect of the management. Through such standards, the employer will be able to appraise the performance of heremployees. The aspects of communication expectations, performance measurement and the comparison of the actual performance are also significant to the management of the performance. Through communication, the employees can know what is expected from them. The comparison of the performance with the already communicated standards will enable the management to effectively evaluate the levels of performance and make necessary adjustments. A discussion of the appraisal and the adoption of corrective action will help the management realize optimal organizational output(Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 236).

  1. Training is a vital inclusion in any organization as far as the achievement of the organizational goals is concerned. A new entrant in an organization requires training in order to familiarize him with the kind of job he is expected to perform. Employee training focuses on changing his knowledge, behaviours and attitudes with regard to the entitled job (Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 216). The changes in an individual’s behaviour and attitudes will have a subsequent positive impact onthe performance management of the organization. For performance managers, dealing with competent and we’ll trained employees is a vital pathway in realizing the ultimate goals and objectives of any organization. For the training to be successful, the training needs are evaluated and hence an adoption of a sound training method (217).
  2. The job evaluation practice in an organization is a vital tool for the establishment of pay structures. Job evaluation is done after the processes of job analysis, description and specification are done(Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 267). The adoption of a sound job evaluation method is vital in the establishment of the effective pay structure in an organization.When the value of each job in an organization is determined with respect to all other jobs, the job evaluation process is realized. The process s followed by hierarchical ranking of all the organizational jobs to determine the pay structures that the organization will adopt. However, the establishment of the organization’s pay structure is not solely dependent on the job evaluation. Other factors such as individual skills and experiences, collective bargaining provisions and the influence of labour movements are significant too(Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 268).
  3. Domestic partner benefits are offered by some companies although they are not legal. The provision of health and other medical benefits to the employee’slive-in partner is a motivational gesture to the latter. The provision of these benefits are not discriminatory either on same-sex or opposite-sex unions (Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 290).The provision of these benefits will have profound impacts on the employee’s well-being and performance in the organization. The medical, vision and dental benefits to the employee’s live-in partner will have significant on his psychological and economic status. The benefits will the employee’s expenditure and cost. Consequently, the employee is motivated hence optimal production. Additionally, the provision of domestic partner benefits will attract competent and experienced workers in the organization hence optimal output and increased competitive advantage (290).
  4. The provision of various benefits to employees by companies is geared towards motivating and increasing their productivity. Vacation benefits are given by companies to serve various purposes. The vacation benefit is meant to create some refreshment to the employees and break the monotony of work(Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 308). Additionally, the benefits are meant to reenergize employees to enable them improve their productivity when come back. The provision of such benefits should be critically evaluated by the company since all employees may not go for the vacation at the same time (302).
  5. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) recordable injury or illness refers to an injury or illness that is recorded depending on the stipulated guidelines for the same. The illness must have been contracted in the work environment for it to be recorded. The occurrence of death in the work environment qualifies as an OSHA recordable injury. Additionally, an OSHA injury is recordable if medical treatment, loss of consciousness, restriction of work are present(Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 308).
  6. The existence of time urgency, competition, and difficulties in enjoying leisure leads to characteristic behaviours among employees (Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 330). The behaviours further trigger anger and hostility and hence the stress. Stress factors will adversely affect the performance of the employees (329). Therefore, the employer’s role in managing the employee’s stress is paramount. To curb stress, employers should ensure that the employee’s qualifications and competencies are matched with the appropriate job. Additionally, the employer should ensure that the employees are aware of their expected roles in the organization(Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 331). The ability of the employer to redesign jobs helps to reduce work overload and subsequently lower the incidences of stress. Low levels of workloads will be realized, and the employees will be able to execute their duties perfectly. Stress among employees may be caused by personal factors. The employer should adopt better policies and techniques to avert such incidences. The failure by the employers to curb such cases may adversely affect the performance of the individual employee as well other employees in the company thereby reducing their performance. The rise in such cases has prompted employers in the USA to develop programs for the victims. The employee assistance and wellness programs have been formed by employers in order to help employees in aspects of stress, financial planning, legal matters among other factors (Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 331)
  7. The process in which two parties negotiate, administer and interpret a written agreement is referred to as collective bargaining. Collective bargaining process involves the preparation of negotiations, contracting, agreement, ratification and finally contract administration (Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 352).The preparation for the negotiation process is initiated by the union and the management after the former has been certified as a bargaining unit. The negotiation process starts with the union presenting his demands to the management. The negotiations are done at closed doors. After an agreement has been made, the process of contract administration is initiated. The contract administration process involves the provision of agreement information, implementation, interpretation and monitoring of activities (353).
  8. The critical issues for unions today are basedon the aspects of membership, harmony and unionization (Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 356). The trend of labour membership in the USA has been on the decline over the last several years. Low membership by unions has profound effects on their performance. The low membership is attributed to technological advancements, contingent workforce and continuous cases of the replacement of workers (358). The existence of a conflict between the management and labour is a critical issue affecting unions. Additionally, the unionization of the public sector employees by the government authorities atnational, state and county levels is a major setback to the labour unions and their operations.

(Decenzo, Stephen, and Susan 308). Or (45-87) or (7)

Works Cited

Decenzo, David A, Stephen P. Robbins, and Susan L. Verhulst. Fundamentals of Human

Resource Management. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley, 2009. Print.



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