This section will evaluate both the process and products of your project based on your previously developed criteria. Note, that the products of your project include: your literature review, the results of your analysis and the comparison of your results with the literature review. The evaluation of process should consider all elements of your project methodology as well as project management issues Recommendations for further work Based upon your evaluation of the process and products of the project as a whole you should make recommendations about the project. For example, how would you have done it differently if you were to do the project again? What further investigations are called for as a result of your findings? etc


Order Description
For this discussion question, you are asked to review the student learning outcomes for this course and discuss how you met these outcomes. The intention here is to provide you an opportunity to “reflect” on the learning achieved during this term and how you successfully met these learning outcomes. If you do not feel you successfully met the objective, discuss your plans to successfully complete the objective in the future.
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Demonstrate synthesis of the knowledge and skills acquired in preceding graduate nursing core and specialty curriculum content.
Evaluate current health policy and legal and ethical considerations in addressing the health promotion and disease prevention of a target population.
Integrate this synthesis in the creation of a scholarly project of either an evidenced-based practice proposal or a research proposal that generates new nursing knowledge.
Disseminate significant components of the project through a written paper and oral presentation.

Order Description
For this discussion question, you are asked to review the student learning outcomes for this course and discuss how you met these outcomes. The intention here is to provide you an opportunity to “reflect” on the learning achieved during this term and how you successfully met these learning outcomes. If you do not feel you successfully met the objective, discuss your plans to successfully complete the objective in the future.
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Demonstrate synthesis of the knowledge and skills acquired in preceding graduate nursing core and specialty curriculum content.
Evaluate current health policy and legal and ethical considerations in addressing the health promotion and disease prevention of a target population.
Integrate this synthesis in the creation of a scholarly project of either an evidenced-based practice proposal or a research proposal that generates new nursing knowledge.
Disseminate significant components of the project through a written paper and oral presentation.