Evaluate A Marketing Website Assignment: Access one of the following Websites: http://www.kraftheinzcompany.com/ OR https:www.thecloroxcompany.com OR https://www.unilever.com/KraftHeinz Company, Unilever, and Clorox each use their website as a part of their marketing strategy. Review one of the websites and write a two-page paper on its effectiveness as a marketing tool. Include the things that work well and the things that can be done better. What standard are you using to make your evaluation? (Maybe you can create a Rubric to help in your assessment. If you use a Rubric, please attach it as an Appendix.)You MUST upload assignment into this ASSIGNMENT Container as a Word document. If you use something other than Word to submit your assignment and I have to contact you to make a change to Word, then your assignment is considered late and is penalized a minimum of 10% of the final grade.
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Evaluate A Marketing Website Assignment: Access one of the following Websites