In about 10 pages written in apa style evaluate the story that the european monteary union is not an opitumum currency area. very good papaers must include trade imblance ( deficits), asymmetric shocks, labor immoblity, exchange rate policy, fiscal and monetary policis, and moral hazard.look up thes topics these topics: Warburtonss the limits of Monteray treaty ( world economics,13 (2), april-june2012,dixons ( can Europe divided house stand? separating fiscal and monetary union ( foregin affairs 90 (1),2012
sapirs european integration at the crossroads( journal of ecnomic literature XLIX,4,2011)
Krugman- end this depression now! 2012
Mundells- A theory of optimum currency area ( american ecominic review, 51(4), the way i have a book we have been using in class i will give you the isbn number just case you need to look up some info it is ISBN978-0-521-17710-8also i dont know if anyone wants to read krugman book since this is a last min. paper. its up to you. i dont expect much just enoough information so i can pass this class.
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European monteary union