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ETP Coursework CE7013


Additional instruction:

1. All questions are to be attempted.


2. The coursework will be marked as a whole piece of work.


3. The grading criteria are according to the University Grade Criteria for Level 7 2014-15 (Academic Guidance 7 (AG7), available on StudySpace under Departments/Registry/Academic Regulations Policies and Guidance).


4. Online submission through Turnitin plus online submission through drop-box in the Sopwith Building .







Assignment ETP 2014-15


Question -1

For any project undertaken using “partnering” there is no guarantee that it will prove to be a success, as partnership evolves and its parameters are rarely completely clear at first, also trust takes time to develop and become established. Give a Critical review of the statement.


Question – 2

A ‘Framework contract’ is a long term procurement strategy with clients securing the services of quality contractors at a time when they were in short supply by offering the possibility of a steady supply of future work. When the boom is over with austerity measures are in place, and contractors are competing ferociously for business, there would be implications that might affect the client’s long term procurement strategies. Critically review these outcomes.

Question – 3

The concepts of allocation of risk and commercial balance are very useful tools for analysing building contracts and deciding which type to recommend. Some employers want control over the end result and time certainty at a reasonable fixed cost which may not be realistic. Critically analyse the statement and support your argument with evidence.




Instructions to students


This assessment paper contains three questions, you must attempt all questions.

The coursework will be marked as a whole piece of work. Total word count 4000 words.

Your answer to each question should be in the region of 1250-1500 words

Question -1 35%

Question -2 35%

Question -3 30%


All submitted work must be by your own independent efforts as the assignment is an individual section only and no group working is permitted.

This coursework is worth 50% of the overall mark for the module.

The grading criterion is according to the University PGC(Postgraduate Grade Criteria). Work to be submitted in Report format


Note: All work is to be typed and submitted in accordance with instructions in the Student Handbook and the Module Guide.

Your research should be fully referenced throughout using the Harvard system, and all sources acknowledged.

Please also note that an electronic copy is required which will be run through the Turnitin plagiarism detection system. Any coursework showing extensive plagiarising of other work will be marked down.

This assignment is subject to the usual university rules, regulations, etc. Your attention is drawn in particular to the regulations/guidance regarding mitigating circumstances and the timing requirements of them.


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