Ethics of ProstitutionComment:
Karen Peterson-Iyer explains that liberal views of prostitution argue that prostitution is a contract between two people and is ethical on these grounds. However, many feminists argue that prostitution is more than just a contract and instead represents a form of exploitation. Explain both the liberal and feminist views in Peterson-Iyer’s paper. Viewing prostitution work as exploitative is problematic to many sex workers who view their work as “legitimate work” (Kessler, 2002). Explain the concerns raised in Kessler’s work. Is there a way to reconcile the concerns raised in Kessler’s research within the feminist ethical views raised in Peterson-Iyer’s? Use arguments to support your view. References: (+3 additional) – Peterson-Iyer, K. (1998). Prostitution: A feminist ethical analysis. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 14, 19-44. – Kesler, K. (2002). Is a feminist stance in support of prostitution possible? an exploration of current trends. Sexualities, 5, 219-235.
Ethics of Prostitution