Ethics in CounselingOrder Description
Page count: Title Page x 1, Abstract x 1, Table of Contents x 1, Introduction x 1, Body of the paper x 8, Reference x 2 for a total of 14 pages.This assignment is in 2 stages with corresponding deadlines.Nov 6, 2016: I will need the list of the 10 empirical article references to be used for the final paper. The must all be year 2000 or earlier. (See attachment for requirements)20 November: 1st draft of the paper will be due and must include title page, Abstract, Table of contents, Introduction, the 8 page paper, and references. (See grading rubric)Paper info: You will use your readings and research articles to address the hot topic of ethics within groups in an 8?10-page rough draft research paper. In addition, you will need to address the ethical issues unique to group therapy and how these issues compare to those from individual counseling. Discuss why a therapist would choose group therapy over individual counseling. You must use a minimum of 10 empirical articles to support your readings.for access to the course Readings:
Click the following link then enter log in info:[email protected]
PW: online2016books:
1. Group Counseling : Strategies and Skills 8TH 162. Group Dynamics 6TH 14
Ethics in Counseling
August 8th, 2017 admin