Ethical Business Behavior Anglo-American and Primark are among the leading companies in the world. An exposition of the meaning of ethics and ethical business behavior is given at the start of this study. This study aims at analyzing the application of ethics in the business practices of both Anglo-American and Primark. The paper will also tackle the costs and benefits to the organization or business when it behaves ethically in terms of its relation to the various stakeholders that impact on the existence of these businesses. The last part of the study will focus on a discussion of one component of the Svennson & Woods’ model and its relevance to the two multinational companies Anglo-American and Primark. An analysis of the positive contribution of this component to the companies forms the last part of this study. Anglo-American and Primark adhere to ethical principles through their promotion of ethical behavior and an expression of good social responsibility in the environment in which it operates. Anglo-American and Primark are among a high percentage of companies in the world that practice ethical behavior to meet the society’s ethical demands (Boylan, 2001).
Ethical Business Behavior Custom Essay