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Essay, Visual Arts and Film Studies

Project description
please give reference in Harvard style and wherever require reference, citation indicate accordingly

Portfolio instructions

For assessment B the portfolio worth 80%, you will be required to produce a single, word-processed piece of coursework of approximately 3500 words in total which includes all 9 tasks below. This will be submitted online by the deadline given. It should contain all the material listed below:

1.    A title page, giving word-count and your name/matriculation number

2.    A contents page

3.    The tasks
Task 1 Atkins and Murphy article
Task 2 Evidence-based approach to global health promotion
Task 3 Determinants and trends mini-essay
Task 4 School-based health promotion
Task 5 Nurses’ role in smoking cessation
Task 6 HPHS self-assessment
Task 7 Priorities in Workplace health and health promotion
Task 8 Health promotion projects and strategies
Task 9 Reflection on module

TASK 1-  Atkins & Murphy article
The article by Atkins S, & Murphy K, (1994) Reflective practice, Nursing standard 8 (39), 49-56, Nursing Standard. Is available in Articles For Portfolio Tasks.
Although this is an old source (1994) it is still highly relevant.
Take personal notes in your own words from the article and answer the questions below;
•    What is reflection/reflective practice?
•    What critical thought processes underpin reflection?
•    What is the difference between reflection in action and  reflection on action?
•    How does the Gibbs model of reflection compare with the Atkins and Murphy model in the article and which would you prefer to use and why?
Write up in full sentences totalling 300 -400 words and submit in your portfolio as task 1.

TASK 2 – Evidence-based approach to global health promotion
An evidence-based approach to nursing is now the norm but this approach is relatively new in health promotion especially in relation to fighting the greatest global determinant of health – poverty.

a)    Access the link below and listen to the video/audio clip of a talk lasting nearly 17 minutes. The talk is on fighting poverty in developing countries and the speaker focuses on whether interventions work and whether or not they are worth funding.

Ted Talks (2010) Esther Duflo: Social Experiments to fight poverty. Available at

The speaker Esther Duflo has a strong French accent but on the right hand side of the video screen you can access an interactive transcript of her talk, choosing either English or Chinese.

b)    Take personal notes as you listen to the talk and compose a 200 word summary in your own words on the three evidence-based areas identified as successful.
c)    Submit this 200 word summary for your portfolio accompanied by 100 words of reflection which focus on your feelings about the messages in the talk, noting anything which surprised you.

TASK 3 – Determinants of health and trends
Singapore is a high income, developed country in the World Health Organisation (WHO) Western Pacific region. Residents in Singapore generally have good health with high life expectancy and low mortality rates. This has resulted in an ageing population with increasing chronic health issues.
Write a 500 word referenced essay which answers the question what are the key health issues facing Singapore, currently and in the future?
Start from the Singapore Health Promotion Board website http://www.hpb.gov.sg/ and then locate and use at least 5 other sources of data and information to provide referenced support for your mini-essay.
TASK  4 – School-based health promotion

Below is a journal article by Nathan et al. (2011) which has arisen from a research project about promoting fruit and vegetable consumption in school children.
a)    Access the link and read/study the article in detail, taking personal notes.

b)    Using your notes about the article, make a 300 word précis (summary) in your own words which answers the questions: what are the key messages from this article and is there enough evidence offered to support the messages?

Do not replicate the abstract.

c)    Then include a 200 word personal reflection on how (or if) the recommendations could be applied to your own nursing practice.

Nathan, N. et al. (2011) ‘Vegetable and fruit breaks in Australian primary schools: prevalence, attitudes, barriers and implementation strategies.’
Health Education Research 26(4) pp. 722-731.

This article is  available in Articles For Portfolio Tasks

TASK 5 – Nurses’ role in smoking cessation

Below is a journal article by Whyte et al. (2006) which has arisen from a Scottish research project about interventions for tobacco smoking.

a)    Access the link below and read/study the article in detail, taking personal notes.

Whyte, RE., Watson, HE., McIntosh, J.(2006) ‘Nurses’ opportunistic interventions with patients in relation to smoking.’ Journal of Advanced Nursing Volume 55, Issue 5, pages 568–577

This article is available in Articles For Portfolio Tasks

b)    Answer the 8 questions about the Whyte et al. (2006) in 300 words and submit for your portfolio.

•    What is the study called?
•    Who conducted it?
•    When was it conducted / published?
•    What were the aims of the study?
•    What happened?
•    What were the findings or results?
•    What conclusions were drawn?
•    What were the strengths / weaknesses / limitations in your opinion?

c)    Also include 200 words of personal reflection on the following:
•    Your thoughts and feelings about the paper and the results, including what interested you or surprised you.
•    How this compares to your experience so far in assessment of or health education with patients who smoke.
•    How (or if) the recommendations could be applied to your own nursing practice.

TASK 6 – Health promoting health service (HPHS) self-assessment

a)    Access the link below and complete the self-assessment survey on behalf of your current ward or hospital (or your previous placement if easier), answering to the best of your current knowledge. The purpose of this assessment tool is to help you assess where your ward/institution is in terms of the HPHS standards for health promotion see Learning Unit 4

Health Promotion Board (2010) Online self-assessment of HPHS Standards Available at http://surveys.hpb.gov.sg/s3/hphs

Upon completion of the questionnaire, you will be provided with a report giving feedback about each of the five HPHS standards, with suggestions for improvement in each standard.
b)    Print out a copy of this report with the feedback given and submit for your portfolio.
c)    Also include 100-200 words of reflection on your experience of undertaking this task, your observations about the document and its language, your feelings about the standards in your ward or hospital and anything which surprised you.

TASK 7 – Priorities in Workplace health and health promotion

Access the document at the link below and write a report of 300 -400 words using your own words which addresses the following:
•    Who are the key stakeholders in workplace health promotion?
•    Why is workplace health so topical and what is the effect of an ageing workforce?
•    What methods of health promotion and health education are recommended?

Ministry of Health Singapore (2010) Report by the National Tripartite Committee on Workplace health. Available at:


Note: This is quite a large document; allow time for it to download

TASK 8 – Health promotion projects and strategies
Access the links to the four health promotion projects below and take personal notes to compile information about each of the projects, highlighting similarities and differences in approach, using the template overleaf.
Health promotion projects
1.    Cervical Screen Singapore (CSS) available at: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/programmes/article.aspx?id=3342
2.    TOUCH project available at: http://www.touch.org.sg/about_us
3.    Strategy to Stop Tuberculosis 2011-2015 available at: http://www.wpro.who.int/entity/tb/documents/policy/2010/regional_strategy/en/index.html
4.    Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health available at: http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/en/

Project 1
CSS    Project 2
Project 3
Strategy to stop TB    Project 4
Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
The scope of this project
Is it local, regional, national, or international?
The target of this project
Is it for individuals, groups, communities or populations
The main focus of the project
Is it physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, social, or societal in focus?
The need for the project
Established by individuals, community, voluntary organisation, statutory organisation or government?
Method(s) used in the project to enable health improvement?
1:1 input, leaflet, advice or education, group work, community action, TV/radio messages or laws/policies?

Task 9 – Reflection on the module content
Write 200-300 words of personal reflection about your experience of undertaking the module. Consider your strengths and weaknesses in relation to:
•    Working online, as a distance learner
•    The nature of some of the reading materials
•    The way you approached the module and its assignments
•    What you learned and how this links with the rest of your degree studies.

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