Peter B has been brought into the local ER, with anxiety. He tells the staff that he is anxious about a new job promotion, for which he is being considered. Peters secretary who was worried for him, has a dad who is a ER DR and is in the ER most of the time. she asked her dad to look into peters file. The staff know the dr. very well and get him PETERS chart. He calls his daughter and tells her that he is being treated for anxiety-with depression drug and will probably be discharged.
she then relays it to the bosses, where in turn peter does not get the promotion.
a. will it be easy matter for peter to prove that the er staff caused peter to lose his promotion? explain
b. What precautions can be taken to avoid giving confidential info to medical personal who have no need to see it?
c. In your opinion, should a diagnosis of anxiety be a concern for an employer?
why or why not?
Essay report