briefly explaining the field of Victimology. Your goal is to educate the readers and convince them of the importance of this fairly new field.
You may want to answer/include some of the following:
•How did the field historically evolve?
•What do victimologists study?
•What don’t they study?
•What kind of bias exists?
•Why should the public be more aware of this field and what is has to offer?
•Where will this field take us in the future?
You DO NOT really have to submit your “Letter to the Editor” to any newspapers.
•Please be creative with this assignment and feel free to liven it up with opinions, graphics, statistics, examples, etcetera.
•Make sure to cite your work.
In-text Citation Example
The field of victimology encompasses many areas of study- sociology, psychology, social work, science, the legal system, the medical field, and other related fields (Karmen, pg 21).