In essay format, students are to list, discuss and explore various positive and
negative aspects and outcomes of holding major events. Do not focus on just one
event. In effect, this essay should be approached from a risk management
perspective. Fundamentally, the student is to discuss the pros and cons of holding an event. Essay themes and elements to be discussed include: not enough
planning, too much planning, when the right to protest collides with peace and good government, danger to health and safety, danger to public, security and law enforcement personnel, event cancellation, media coverage, financial issues, local,national or global positive and negative media exposure, law suites, injuries and
death, increased tourism, the right to protest vs. the impact on those being protested against and damage to property and impact on innocent bystanders and property owners, etc. Students are to identify and choose major themes and focus their
essay on these themes. They are not to write on every issue identified in this
assignment explanation. This information may assist in event planning preparation and should be discussed in the essay. Students are to identify some of challenges
facing event planners before, during and after an event. The student is to compare and contrast real world incidents from the assigned class readings material.
Students are also encouraged to identify additional readings to assist in adding weight to detailing their case on the issue. The essay is to be approximately 2000 words. Your paper is to include a cover page, introduction to the topic, main report body, and a conclusion summing up the key themes. You are encouraged to use other source material.
Essay report