Winter Term Project Details.
You can work alone or work in groups.
Write an outline for a sociological paper on a global issue/event/organization/social movement/campaign/item (etc.) of your choice. i.e. assess the political/social/ economic/ and cultural issues associated with your issue; or the socio-cultural, political and economic impacts (on countries/peoples/economies/) of your issue. You can focus on one, or a combination of (some of) these factors in your outline. Choose something that interests you.
The assignment must include the following basic components: No more than 5 pages double spaced, New Times Roman font 12. APA referencing
1 Title of your project
2 Introduction -What is the issue, how is it global and what aspects are you looking at?
3 Thesis statement/statement of project aims/goals/purpose
4 An outline of your theoretical framework and approach that will guide your analyses/discussions.- i.e. choose one of the theories of globalization and situate it within one of the theoretical approaches of globalization. For instance World systems theory is an example of a skeptical approach to globalization.
5 Annotated bibliography including up to five (5) academic sources you plan to use in your essay/project (this is a brief review of literature relevant to your project).
A reference page in APA style