At least 750 words, no more than 800
MLA style
Two thesis points
Four paragraphs
Works Cited page
General Instructions for All Essays (Refer to the instructions for the Project 1 essay.
Sources Required
“Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne is your focus.
Your choice of two of the following:
“Sympathy for the Devil”
“in Just—”
One poem, story, or lyric of your choice. See me for approval.
The Prompt
Using the literary device of your choice as your central theme, focus on how Hawthorne and the authors of your additional choices portray evil.
Possible literary devices include allegory, point of view, dialogue, personification, setting, theme, or the journey theme.
Continued on next page
For example, you might choose the symbols Hawthorne uses to “draw” his Devil by choosing three* examples to discuss in paragraph two. Then, in paragraph three, you would compare and contrast how your two additional authors accomplish the task, using a total between them of three or more examples.
Or, you might choose two symbols—such as the symbols of animals, or wealth, or innocence—for the topics of your paragraphs, and compare and contrast how each author, focusing on Hawthorne, uses those symbols. Remember the rule of three.
*Three is always considered a thorough, yet manageable, number in argument.
I would like to use “Sympathy for the devil” and “In Just” for the sources.