Students are required to write a substantive research paper on the topic of performance budgeting. You should choose a specific organization within the local, state or federal level of government, or a nonprofit organization, that would benefit from implementing a performance budgeting system. Examples of organizations include: San Bernardino Police Department; Riverside County Corrections; Court Appointed Special Advocates of San Bernardino; Cedar House Rehabilitation Center; California Department of Finance; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Your paper must include the following:
Research Paper
I. Abstract
• 200 -250 word summary of your paper
II. Introduction
• What is the organization you are examining?
• What are their service delivery responsibilities?
• Why is it important to introduce performance budgeting there?
• Specifically, in what ways will performance budgeting improve the organization?
III. Background
• What is performance budgeting?
• What are the challenges associated with performance budgeting?
• Specifically, what challenges is the organization under investigation likely to face?
• What recommendations will you make to overcome these challenges?
IV. Conceptualization
• Develop a basic logic model that applies a performance budgeting framework to the theory of
Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes
• Carefully articulate each component of the logic model and explain how the performance budget will improve:
Equity Effectiveness
V. Policy Implications
• Based upon your research, in what ways will public policy be impacted?
• Consider the implications from both a public manager’s perspective and a citizen’s perspective
VI. Conclusion
• Your conclusion should highlight the main points of your paper and discuss future areas of
research VII. References
• (15-20 references: Journal articles, books, research reports and government documents) Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins and follow APA Style
Essay report