write an individual short essay include 6 questions on the list below.
1What were the ideas and beliefs of the Grecian peoples before the emergence of the Presocratic philosophers?
2Describe the way of life among the Meletus people during the time of the early Greek philosophers? What influence did ideas such as “freedom to speak clearly (freedom of speech)” and “cultural diversity” have among the Miletians?
3Write a short essay of a few paragraphs on the way is which Thales of Miletus began to develop a way to understand the nature of the universe, specifically the idea that all things are made of water?
4Describe some of the achievements of Thales such as the prediction of a solar eclipse and other discoveries that opened the way for a new understanding of the structure of the universe?
5Anaximander was a student of Thales. How did Anaximander succeed in correcting or improving the ideas of Thales and introduce an important way to understand the nature of the universe?
6Define each of the four most important ideas of the early Greeks philosophers: