Essay on an ethical issue in sport or fitness that occurred BEFORE 1995. (At least 3 pages, [750-1000 words max]; 12 point font, one inch margins, double spaced, stapled).
– Author has identified a contemporary ethical issue. At least 3 sources. You may not refer to class notes as a reference. Appropriate length as well.
– Intro :
Avoid pompous generalizations such as “in the world of modern sports…” An introduction indicates what the paper is about and excites the reader’s interest in the paper.
States an ethical question that you will organize information to defend. Remember a narrow scope is sometimes very useful in trying to do something new and unique.
– Proof of Importance:
After establishing the thesis question, author must provide evidence that the issue presented is an important issue in contemporary sport or sport history
– Evidence/Sources:
Must utilize an ethical framework/perspective. This should be clear throughout the paper. Must also include at least 2 ethical principles.
Points should be backed up with evidence from a variety of sources. Check to see if the evidence actually supports the point being made. If you find that you can do this paper without the detailed contextual evidence, you are probably doing the assignment in too superficial a way.
20 pts
– Mechanics and Organization:
It is important that the paper makes an ethical argument- takes a position- and that the structure of the argument can be seen in the way the evidence is presented. Papers should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
20 pts
– Four Sources:
It is important that the paper makes an ethical argument- takes a position- and that the structure of the argument can be seen in the way the evidence is presented. Papers should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
10 pts
– Style and Creativity:
Hard to quantify but we recognize the presence of graceful writing, keen insight, and surprising connections.
10 pts
– Conclusion:
The conclusion should be more than just a repetition of what the reader has already read. Ideally, the conclusion gives the author a chance to draw broader implications, raise new ideas or reflections, or raise thoughtful questions. Do not simply repeat the body of the paper.
10 pts