This assignment involves considering an issue/problem/experience related to communication in your own life . It might be a recurring issue/problem or a ‘one-off’ experience. How do you think this issue/problem/experience might be addressed, illuminated or dealt with by one (or more) of the pragmatics concepts which have been considered so far in this unit?( to chapter 6. The assignment will be assessed in relation to the following criteria. You should: • identify and describe a relevant issue or topic in a specific context that you are familiar with; • demonstrate an understanding of the concepts introduced in the readings and study notes that are relevant to your chosen issue; • apply these concepts to a consideration of your chosen issue and context; • write clearly and concisely in academic style; • refer specifically to the relevant readings and study notes to introduce, illustrate and support your own personal reflections; • provide a reference list citing all and only those references cited in the body of your essay; • use APA referencing style; • observe the word limits. Your grade will be mostly determined by: • how well the relevant issue is identified and described; • how well your discussion of the issue is related to the theory. Notice ( I’m from Arabic country) be consider the relevant reading ( important ) Assignment (1500 word essay Summarya This assignment involves considering an issue/problem/experience related to communication in your own life . It might be a recurring issue/problem or a ‘one-off’ experience. How do you think this issue/problem/experience might be addressed, illuminated or dealt with by one (or more) of the pragmatics concepts which have been considered so far in this unit?( to chapter 6. The assignment will be assessed in relation to the following criteria. You should: • identify and describe a relevant issue or topic in a specific context that you are familiar with; • demonstrate an understanding of the concepts introduced in the readings and study notes that are relevant to your chosen issue; • apply these concepts to a consideration of your chosen issue and context; • write clearly and concisely in academic style; • refer specifically to the relevant readings and study notes to introduce, illustrate and support your own personal reflections; • provide a reference list citing all and only those references cited in the body of your essay; • use APA referencing style; • observe the word limits. Your grade will be mostly determined by: • how well the relevant issue is identified and described; • how well your discussion of the issue is related to the theory. Notice ( I’m from Arabic country) Relevant Reading: A Cross cultural study: Compliments in Arabic Nelson, G., Al Batal, M., & Echols, E. (1996). Arabic and English compliment responses: Potential for pragmatic failure. *Archer et al (2012) Unit A10 Cross cultural pragmatics pp 110-118 *Blum Kulka, S. and Olshtain, E. (1984) Requests and apologies: A cross cultural study of Speech Act Realisation patterns (CCSARP) Applied Linguistics 5 3 (download from library or find at: ) *Ogiermann, E (2008) On the culture-specificity of linguistic gender differences: The case of English and Russian apologies Intercultural Pragmatics 5 3 pp 259–286 (download from library) Wierzbicka, A. 2003. Cross-cultural Pragmatics. The semantics of human interaction. (2nd edition). Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Chapter 2 Different cultures, different languages different speech acts, pp 25-65 (download from e-reserve – note that this chapter is split into 2 parts ) Wong J. O Cultural scripts. ways of speaking and perceptions of personal autonomy: Anglo English vs SIngapore English Intercultural Pragmatics 1 2 pp231–248 Now, look at the CARLA website and read about the studies that have been done on refusals in American English, Arabic, British English, Chinese, German, Japanese and Spanish. *From the textbook, Archer et al 2012 : Unit A5- section 1-4 *Thomas, J 1995 Meaning in Interaction – an introduction to pragmatics Chapter 3 (pp 55 – 86) {download from e-reserve} Grice, P. (1975) ‘Logic and conversation’, in Davidson, D. and G. Harman (eds.) The logic of grammar. Encino, California: Dickinson. {download from e-reserve} Keenan, E. (1976) ‘The universality of conversational postulates’ in Language in society 5 (67-80) {download from e-reserve} Sarangi and Slembrouck (1992) Non-co-operation in communication A reassessment of Gricean pragmatics. Journal of pragmatics 17 117-154 {download from the journal, using the library catalogue.} Bouton L.F 1994 Conversational implicature in a second language: Learned slowly when not deliberately taught Journal of Pragmatics, 22, 2, pp 157-167 {download from the journal, using the library catalogue.}

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