environmental logbook(environmental management for hotel and attractions)Order DescriptionStudents are required to compile a media logbook of articles covering current environmental
issues. A critical analysis of how the issues contained in the article affect environmental
management in hotels/attractions should accompany each article. Your analysis should not
simply be a summary of the article, but an informed discussion of the issues raised and their
importance to environmental management in hotels and attractions, using academic research
to support your arguments.
Each article analysis should be between a half and a full typed page. A minimum of six articles
is required and they should be no more than two years old (i.e. published within the last 2
years). A variety of media sources should be used and may include (but not be limited to)
newspapers, magazines, trade journals, academic journals, brochures, newsletters, press
releases and bulletins. Articles should cover a minimum of three different topic areas from the
following list:
water management
waste management
energy management
the indoor environment
Assessment | 7
building and construction management
sustainable food systems
sustainability of operations
environmental management systems
environmental legislation
national park management.
Note: At least one article in each of the three topic areas should be an academic article.The
logbook (a scrapbook would be appropriate) should be presented in the following manner:
an assignment cover page
heading page for each of the three topics chosen
actual copies of the articles pasted into the logbook, sorted into the three different topics
(if the article is more than one page in length, only the front page is required in order to
save paper)
The logbook can be submitted entirely electronically, it doesnt have to be a paper-based
a typed/word-processed analysis pasted onto the adjoining page to the article. This
analysis/discussion should include references to the academic literature.
Assessment criteria
adherence to guidelines above
clear understanding of the topic and concepts
relevance of material
application of material.
evidence of adequate depth and breadth of research, including references to academic
logical argument and discussion.
professionally presented; proper referencing.
1. Too many similar articles make good discussion more difficult as it is difficult not to repeat
2. Choose your articles carefully so that you write a perceptive analysis.
3. Academic articles are usually easier to write good commentary on as they are usually more
specific. General industry articles are often rather like motherhood statements and
therefore more difficult to comment on.
4. A portfolio which contains articles which look like they have been obtained easily from
one or two sources will not score well.
5. Back up your arguments with literature references whenever possible.
environmental logbook(environmental management for hotel and attractions)