You are required to critically analyze one of the following five (5) environmental issues that have been addressed in Contemporary Environmental Issues and the associated course material to demonstrate your comprehension of the fundamental characteristics associated with the concept of a sustainable world. The Final Paper should incorporate student research, assigned readings, class discussions, and personal experience.Environmental IssuesChoice One Are alternative energy sources the answer to ending human dependence on oil?
Choice Two Is global warming due to human actions? Can the human race take action to stop global warming?
Choice Three Is genetic engineering the answer to ending global hunger?
Choice Four Should cars be more efficient?
Choice Five Is wind power green?
Based on material obtained in class as well as outside material, you must:Present both sides of the argument. You may address one side at a time or point-by-point. It is important to maintain an unbiased approach and to fully discuss both sides of the issue. In other words, the answers yes and no should be thoroughly explored for the question/issue you select.
Discuss the impact of this environmental issue on a sustainable world, and provide a critical analysis of the current issue.
The paper must be eight to ten pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least four scholarly resources (at least one of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library) in addition to the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. The recommended readings listed for Week Five contain articles associated with each of the five choices. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.
Environmental Issues