Entrepreneurial Marketing Report #2DescriptionMarketing That Works (2007)
Nova Southeastern University
H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship Department of Marketing
Entrepreneurial Marketing Course Syllabus
Authors: Lodish, L.M., Morgan, H.L., Archambeau, S. ISBN-10: 0-13-239075-2This paper will follow the same general framework as Entrepreneurial Marketing Report #1. The rationale behind having you do two papers with similar learning outcomes is this: You will learn that there are many was to accomplish an objective. That is, two companies can take radically different approaches; be in different industries; target very different markets etc.and still be very entrepreneurial in their marketing. Essentially, the point is that there is no one correct way, however, if you apply the principles learned in this class youll see success.For this paper I would like you to do a 2-3 page report, which analyzes a company that you think is doing a good job of applying the entrepreneurial marketing strategies discussed in the book. You dont need to discuss all the concepts, just the 3 or 4 you believe to be the most relevant. You may also want to identify several areas where the company seems to be struggling. All growing companies have areas of strengths and weaknesses, so it is not being judgmental to point out your areas of concern.Have fun with this assignment. You have the academic freedom to take the discussion into any area of entrepreneurial marketing you like, just be sure to stay focused on a small or mid-size company. For example, you should not discuss Google or Apple, but you could discuss a small company that is making money selling apps to Google or Apple.There are thousands of innovative companies out there doing amazing things to differentiate themselves from bigger competitors. You could look to retailers, tech companies, service providers etc.Please be sure to place your papers and citations in proper APA format
Entrepreneurial Marketing Report #2