english class writing letter to critiquing work of other classmate essayOrder Description
DescriptionCritiquing work is an integral aspect of improving your own writing. It teaches you what to look for when editing your own work. A constructive critique takes at least
half an hour to write. You will need to review the essay more than once and take notes about aspects you like as well as whats not working. Be sure to set aside some
time for careful thought about the essays you are critiquing.You will write your critique in the form of a personal letter to the author. Keep in mind that this is only a rough draft and the author will continue improving the
essay before it is due in Module 4. You can help the author by offering specific, constructive, honest, and supportive critiques.Before you post each of your peer letters, check them to make sure you have mentioned at least one specific thing you liked about the essay, made two specific
suggestions for improvement, and posed several questions you had about the essay that will stimulate further revision. See the guidelines below.After finding your workshop group in the Discussion, write a 250?500 word letter to the classmates in your assigned workshop group.AttentionPlease use the following format for your letter:Dear [Classmates Name],Paragraph 1: Whats WorkingIts important that you start your letter with whats working well in the essay. In the first paragraph, quote a specific moment that has stayed with you, and explain
why. Giving specific praise is important because authors need to discover their strengths so they can nurture those aspects of their writing.Paragraph 2: Revision SuggestionsIn the next paragraph(s), talk about how the author could improve the essay. Point out places where you struggled with the essay or where you saw revision
opportunities. Use the following list of questions to help you figure out what you want to say in each of your peer letters:Does the draft have an original title? Does the title accurately reflect whats in the essay? If not, do you have any suggestions for a strong title?
Does the essay begin with a unique opening sentence (e.g., not the authors name, birthdate, or birthplace)? Can you find a different sentence in the beginning that
would make a good opening sentence?
Could the author make use of one of the narrative structures from Module 2 (three-part structure, narrative arc, conflict, resolution)? How might the essay be
restructured to make the strongest impact?
Which sections of the essay could use more of the descriptive writing techniques from Module 3 (sensory detail, specific examples, characterization, setting, expanding
a moment)?
Which section(s) of the essay could be left out? Why?
Describe in your own words the artistic lesson or theme the writer gathered from his or her experience(s). Are there places in the essay where this idea could be made
Does the end of the essay have a feeling of completeness or closure? If not, how might the author resolve the essay?
Paragraph 3: QuestionsFinally, end your letter with questions for the author. The questions should provoke the author as they begin to revise. Dont ask a question out of curiosity (such as
How is your brother doing now?) because that wont help the author. Think of useful questions that let the author know what you found confusing or what youd like to
see developed.Sincerely (or Warmly),[Your Name]There is no need to reply to your peer letters, though you may post a simple thank you if you like. Even if you dont agree with everything suggested, it is best to
receive your peer review letters with silent appreciation for the time and care your classmates have invested in them.Purpose
The purpose of this assignment is for you to engage in a communal workshop and practice the principles of constructive criticism. By viewing another writers work with
a critical eye, you will be able to identify revision potential in your own rough drafts.Tools
a writing tool of your choice
word-processing software
english class writing letter to critiquing work of other classmate essay