: English
Topic: Contrast essay between Friday movie 1995 and short story moonlight by maupassant

Topic: English
Order Description
You will select one of two possible projects available at ScienceBuddies.com, build the experimental apparatus, and collect data during two or three mini-lab sessions conducted during class.
Project Selected – https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_ideas/Chem_p053.shtml#summary
answer the following questions.
What did I learn about my object of study?
What claims can I now make about my object of study?
What evidence could I use from my observational logbook to support those claims?
Finally, write a findings paper that includes two sections.
For the Description section, write a description of your object of study. Refrain from explaining or speculating about behavior in this section; simply write the observations that are most important to give a clear picture of what you studied and how you studied it. Make use of physical measurements in this section.
For the Speculation section, assert suggestions as to why certain behaviors emerged in your object of study. You might begin by deciding which behaviors most surprised you or seem most interested to you. You might also use the speculation section as a place to begin thinking about future questions that could be explored as a follow-up to your observations.
assesment criteria will be attached. so will the logbook.

Topic: English
Order Description
You will select one of two possible projects available at ScienceBuddies.com, build the experimental apparatus, and collect data during two or three mini-lab sessions conducted during class.
Project Selected – https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_ideas/Chem_p053.shtml#summary
answer the following questions.
What did I learn about my object of study?
What claims can I now make about my object of study?
What evidence could I use from my observational logbook to support those claims?
Finally, write a findings paper that includes two sections.
For the Description section, write a description of your object of study. Refrain from explaining or speculating about behavior in this section; simply write the observations that are most important to give a clear picture of what you studied and how you studied it. Make use of physical measurements in this section.
For the Speculation section, assert suggestions as to why certain behaviors emerged in your object of study. You might begin by deciding which behaviors most surprised you or seem most interested to you. You might also use the speculation section as a place to begin thinking about future questions that could be explored as a follow-up to your observations.
assesment criteria will be attached. so will the logbook.