Order Description
separate MLA Works Cited Page, six to eight in-text citations, and a total of three sources. One of the sources is the selection being analyzed. Block qu Literary Paper This paper should be five to seven pages long, include a otations are not allowed for this paper. (Times New Roman 12 Font, Double-Spaced, 3rd Person Only)


Question 1: Describe ‘social engineering’ from an I.S. security perspective. Provide two examples of social engineering and two safeguards to prevent these examples. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
• Question 2: Define ‘alien software’. Explain how it differs from viruses, worms and trojan horses. Give 4 examples of alien software and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
• Question 3: Define the difference between ‘unintentional’ and ‘deliberate’ threats to information systems. Provide 4 examples of deliberate threats and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
• Question 4: Define ‘asymmetric encryption’ from an I.S. perspective. Discuss the relationship between encryption, certificate authorities and digital certificates. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
List full references used (only) in alphabetical order by Author Surname.
Please read ‘Assignment Details’ document to find the explanation of the sources that can be used. Failure to use the correct sources or reference them correctly will result in your answers not being marked.
Assignment – Part B
A case study analysis using Toulmin’s Model of Argument (~600 WORDS)
Use the following Table provided for your answers as instructed.
1. You must use the case study provided in the Assignment Details Document.
2. You must analyse every sentence individually in the case study to establish whether it is a Toulmin element and each identified sentence should be individually included in the table below.
3. Not all sentences in the case study will be used in the table below
4. Sentences must be copied from case study and pasted into the appropriate Toulmin element section. You cannot abbreviate or paraphrase the sentences. Abbreviated or paraphrased sentences will not be marked.
5. Sentences can only be used in one element section of the Toulmin table.
Part B of the assignment requires you to apply Toulmin’s Argument Model to analyse a case study to determine the validity or otherwise of the case study’s claim, again reference any additional information sources that you may use.
You MUST use these instructions to complete the ‘Your Opinion’ section of Part B:
??????????????????????Toapplythemodeltotestthevalidity/strengthofaCLAIMthereadermustexamineeach sentenceinthe article and categorise them as a Toulmin element or as an unnecessary extra
e.g.‘opinion’,‘hearsay’,‘definitions’etc.Onceallsentenceshavebeencategorisedthenthe elements should be examined in sequence.
1. What is the CLAIM?
2. Is there any EVIDENCE to support the CLAIM? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the
3. Is there a WARRANT (Explicit or Implicit)? Explicit WARRANTS are often stronger because the author can
direct the reader to accept the CLAIM. Implicit WARRANTS leave the reader’s opinion open to
interpretation and this may go against the author’s intended purpose.
4. Is there BACKING? If so how much? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the CLAIM. 5. Is there a REBUTTAL? The quantity and scope of the REBUTTAL may reduce the strength of the CLAIM
and thus dissuade the reader’s acceptance of the CLAIM.
6. Is there a QUALIFIER? If so, to what extent does it reduce the scope of the CLAIM because this will
impact on the strength of the CLAIM?
7. Your Opinion – this is a personal perception based on your interpretation of the article. The presence,
quality and quantity of the different Toulmin elements must be applied to make this critical assessment. You must discuss whether you agree or disagree with the claim based on the stronger argument.

Question 1: Describe ‘social engineering’ from an I.S. security perspective. Provide two examples of social engineering and two safeguards to prevent these examples. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
• Question 2: Define ‘alien software’. Explain how it differs from viruses, worms and trojan horses. Give 4 examples of alien software and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
• Question 3: Define the difference between ‘unintentional’ and ‘deliberate’ threats to information systems. Provide 4 examples of deliberate threats and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
• Question 4: Define ‘asymmetric encryption’ from an I.S. perspective. Discuss the relationship between encryption, certificate authorities and digital certificates. (~250 Words)
• Insert your answer here and remove this comment.
List full references used (only) in alphabetical order by Author Surname.
Please read ‘Assignment Details’ document to find the explanation of the sources that can be used. Failure to use the correct sources or reference them correctly will result in your answers not being marked.
Assignment – Part B
A case study analysis using Toulmin’s Model of Argument (~600 WORDS)
Use the following Table provided for your answers as instructed.
1. You must use the case study provided in the Assignment Details Document.
2. You must analyse every sentence individually in the case study to establish whether it is a Toulmin element and each identified sentence should be individually included in the table below.
3. Not all sentences in the case study will be used in the table below
4. Sentences must be copied from case study and pasted into the appropriate Toulmin element section. You cannot abbreviate or paraphrase the sentences. Abbreviated or paraphrased sentences will not be marked.
5. Sentences can only be used in one element section of the Toulmin table.
Part B of the assignment requires you to apply Toulmin’s Argument Model to analyse a case study to determine the validity or otherwise of the case study’s claim, again reference any additional information sources that you may use.
You MUST use these instructions to complete the ‘Your Opinion’ section of Part B:
??????????????????????Toapplythemodeltotestthevalidity/strengthofaCLAIMthereadermustexamineeach sentenceinthe article and categorise them as a Toulmin element or as an unnecessary extra
e.g.‘opinion’,‘hearsay’,‘definitions’etc.Onceallsentenceshavebeencategorisedthenthe elements should be examined in sequence.
1. What is the CLAIM?
2. Is there any EVIDENCE to support the CLAIM? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the
3. Is there a WARRANT (Explicit or Implicit)? Explicit WARRANTS are often stronger because the author can
direct the reader to accept the CLAIM. Implicit WARRANTS leave the reader’s opinion open to
interpretation and this may go against the author’s intended purpose.
4. Is there BACKING? If so how much? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the CLAIM. 5. Is there a REBUTTAL? The quantity and scope of the REBUTTAL may reduce the strength of the CLAIM
and thus dissuade the reader’s acceptance of the CLAIM.
6. Is there a QUALIFIER? If so, to what extent does it reduce the scope of the CLAIM because this will
impact on the strength of the CLAIM?
7. Your Opinion – this is a personal perception based on your interpretation of the article. The presence,
quality and quantity of the different Toulmin elements must be applied to make this critical assessment. You must discuss whether you agree or disagree with the claim based on the stronger argument.