activity 13
Deep FocusRead Chapter Six, Deep Focus from Cousineaus Stoking the Creative Fires.After you have read and thought about the chapter, click on the Activity 13 Deep Focus link. Within this topic, click Create Thread. Enter the subject line of your choice. It should be something that calls attention to the topic(s) you will be writing about in your post.Consider Cousineaus comment that distracted people make no masterpieces (p. 128). Visualize some recent situations in which distractions interfered with your creativity. In one detailed post, describe the situation, the distractions, and how you might apply Cousineaus advice to overcome these distractions.This activity is worth 4 points.ORBurnout1. Read Chapter Seven, Burn Out from Cousineaus Stoking the Creative Fires.
2. Go to
3. Enter the word burnout, failure, mistake, or comeback in the search field.
4. Watch any one video that comes up in its entirety.After you have watched and thought about a video, click on the Activity 13 Burn Out link. Within this topic, click Create Thread. Enter the subject line of your choice. It should be something that calls attention to the topic(s) you will be writing about in your post. In one detailed post, write several paragraphs in which you explain why you chose this particular video and what you think can be learned from it.((please write 5-6 paragraph each 8-9 sentences))Activity 15
Creative SurroundingsClosely read Chapter Six, Creative Surroundings, from Csikszentmihalyis book Creativity.After you have read and thought about the chapter, click on the Activity 15 Creative Surroundings or Creative Spaces link. Within this topic, click Create Thread. Enter the subject line of your choice. It should be something that calls attention to the topic(s) you will be writing about in your post. This chapter includes cities, domains, offices, homes, cars, and natural landscapes as potential creative surroundings. In one detailed post, write several paragraphs reflecting on ways in which our surroundings can affect our creative process. As with the earlier activities, keep it casual, but put some support behind your claims.This activity is worth 4 points.ORCreative SpacesRead Chapter Five, Creative Spaces from Cousineaus Stoking the Creative Fires.After you have read and thought about the chapter, click on the Activity 15 Creative Surroundings or Creative Spaces link. Within this topic, click Create Thread. Enter the subject line of your choice. It should be something that calls attention to the topic(s) you will be writing about in your post. In one detailed post, consider the types of objects Cousineau recommends including in creative spaces: inspiration for reverie and play; connection to family, history, or community; or reminders of personal passions or curiosities. Describe the space where you usually do your creative work as it is now and then how you would like it to be to maximize your concentration/flow/creativity. Be as specific as possible.This activity is worth 4 points.ORImagining a Creative CampusBack in 2004, Steven Tepper of Vanderbilt University, published his essay The Creative Campus: Whos No. 1? in the Chronicle of Higher Education.Tepper makes the argument that American campuses badly need to reinvent themselves. They need to get out of the Middle Ages and integrate creativity (not just as represented by the Arts) throughout the entire university experience. Since 2004, he has written further on the topic and afew institutions have made modest attempts to implement some of the principles and practices hes called for.Now that you are nearing the end of this course, Im sure you understand that creativity, in addition to something that happens due to the attributes within an individual, is largely the consequence of what happens within a dynamic system.1.) Read one or more of these three essays on the CreativeCampus OR watch Steven Teppers address at UNI during The Creative UNIversity Conference & Celebration in December:The Creative Campus: Whos No. 1?: the Measure of the Creative Campus: Creative Campus: Time for a C Change: Teppers address at UNI: Cleck on the red Events box. Scroll down to Building a Creative Campus: Can Creativity Transform Higher Education and Prepare Students for the 21st Century Economy?2.) Give some thought to why and how the University of Northern Iowa should initiate a full-scale commitment to becoming one of Americas creative campuses.3.) Write a detailed post (7-to-8 well-developed paragraphs) in which you say what youd like. You really cant go wrong with this activity, as long as you generate a response that fits the length requirement. This can just be free writing, off the top of your head/off the cuff. Keep is casual.You can write about your own experience as a student, about how you think it could have been different if UNI were a creative campus. You can talk about what a creative campus might look likehow this creativity might be expressed and assessed, etc. You can talk about real-world value and applications. You can take this in any direction you like.Just post your responses on this forum.


Pick a particular section of Boxers and analyze the religious elements being depicted, with reference to both text and images. You might answer one of the following questions: What is the significance of the local earth god? How does Little Bao transform into a powerful force? What part do religious forces play in the conflict between the Chinese and foreign ers?

Pick a particular section of Boxers and analyze the religious elements being depicted, with reference to both text and images. You might answer one of the following questions: What is the significance of the local earth god? How does Little Bao transform into a powerful force? What part do religious forces play in the conflict between the Chinese and foreign ers?