Paper details: INSTRUCTIONS• “Analysis” means looking deeply into one source and examining its parts. Usually an analysis assignment asks you to apply a particular theory or set of conceptual tools. In this assignment, you will apply the concept of Aristotle’s three appeals, ethos, pathos, and logos, to show how one author uses all three appeals in an argument.
• Sources: one class reading, and handouts on Aristotle’s rhetorical theory in Blackboard.
• Documentation: cite sources MLA style and include a Works Cited pag
The purpose of this essay is to look more deeply into a single argument than we did in our class discussions. By using Aristotle’s three parts of argument, we’ll be able to see that an author gets her/his message across to readers in more than one way, and we’ll be able to appreciate how persuasive arguments are made.
Your thesis will be an evaluation and overview of the reading, to show how well the author conveys his/her message. It may be hard to write this until after you’ve written the body paragraphs. There will be at least one body paragraph for each of the three appeals defined by Aristotle – we’ll read through your source once to see how the author defines herself, once to see how she connects with an audience, and once to appreciate the logic, evidence, or reasoning she uses. Looking at all three of these appeals working together, we’ll have an overall evaluation, which you can then use as your thesis
English 101