A ½ – 1 page report (a Word file) on the article containing the following:
A title block (at the top) consisting of:
Article on Engineering Probabilities and Statistics
Name of student and group #
Reference (complete reference indicating the source of the article, journal, date, number or link on Internet)
Title of article
1 Paragraph with what the article is about
1 Paragraph with how the article relates to the topics of the course
1 Paragraph with what you learned from the article about the importance of Engineering Probabilities and Statistics
Power Point slide presentation (a PPT file) about the article – 4-5 slides on which the 1st is a cover slide containing the title bloc as in the report
Elements of this slide presentation (not the entire presentation) should be included, upon agreement with the group, in the group PPT to be presented to the class.
See also the rubric (i.e. criteria of evaluation) for Written Communication posted.
Engineering Probabilities and Statistics